A Very Blessed Weekend

This past weekend the Hubby and I went on a hot date.
Just kidding……we had a car full of kids. Hannah Banana was visiting again so we thought some Cracker Barrel and mini golf sounded fun. Someday I will get my hot date…..
 The weather was beautiful Friday night. All kids were full and happy. I thought all the star had aligned and mini golf was going to go great. And it did….. for about ten holes. 
Emery was pumped. She couldn’t hit her yellow golf ball to save her little life, but she was pumped nonetheless. She ran around kicking her ball (the actual club wasn’t really her thing), Doug and Hannah started a cut-throat competition, and I followed with Auggie Boy strapped to my chest asleep. Fun times! 
Fun times until Emery fell down the stairs and bumped her head pretty good. She cried…..and then August cried…and then everything went downhill from there.  I had to walk around in circles, bouncing (and looking like a weirdo) to keep the boy happy while Emery pouted and walked onto other people's courses. But Doug and Hannah finished strong! We came home-happy again-and all went to bed.
We took Saturday morning pretty slow although we had a ton to do. We were having a family lunch after church on Sunday and needed to get the house and food ready.
Instead, Uncle Chuck invited us to the lake. And since Nana was already there to watch August, we couldn't say no to a day of boating and sun.
We had so much fun and ended up staying all day....it was nice to forget about the to-do list at home and just enjoy the day.

When we got home that evening, ready to dominate the to-do list, I was hit with a major headache. Like a cannot open my eyes, have to lay down kind of headache. Yay. After eating something, drinking lots of water and taking some medicine, the last resort was to lay down and leave the list for everyone else. To my surprise, when I got up an hour and a half later, over half of the to-do list was crossed off. Nana, Hannah and Doug had worked together to make the next day happen. I am so blessed to have help. I woke up from my nap worried and anxious--but that quickly turned into relief and just excitement for our family's Sunday.
On Sunday, August Samuel was baptized. I like to think of it more as a dedication. A dedication to a life of faith and love and helping others and spreading God's great news. And because Auggie is just a little baby, I think of it more as a promise for me as a parent--I am dedicating my life to raise a young man who is passionate about his faith, who is grateful for the life the Lord has blessed him with and who someday makes his own decision to follow Christ. That is a BIG job. A job that I am very nervous about. But after hearing the message Sunday, I was reminded that God gives us each a cross to bare (which can sometimes be hard to handle or comprehend) but thankfully he also gives us each other to help with carrying those crosses. 
He has placed so many people in my life (and Emery and August's life) to help us carry our crosses. Seven grandparents, loving Godparents, family, friends and people we have not even met yet.

Not coming from a Catholic family, I love the fact that my family and Doug's family can still come together and lift us up in love. They did it at our wedding, at Emery's baptism and yesterday for August. This makes it so much easier for me to teach my children that we are all children of God and that we all need each other. So thank you family...you are one of our greatest blessings!
After a delicious meal and some fun, the four of us were left with a quiet house and each other. Emery took care of August and Doug and I napped. Okay...just kidding again. We ALL took a nap and then Em took care of her Auggie. We went to Wal-mart to get ready for my *last* week of break. Tear. That is okay...I will soak up my kiddos as much as I can this week.

Hope everyone has a lovely week ahead!


  1. We never know what goes on behind the scenes. You were so serene never suspected that you had a difficult Saturday in some ways. Yes you are truly blessed that God has blessed you with such a wonderful family of your own and extended family. So thankful your Mother is close by and always ready to help. Indeed You have an awesome responsibility in raising your children in the nuture and admonition of the Lord but along with the r esponsibiiity God will give you everything you need to do it. You have a magnificent husband who I know feels the same way you do in raising the children and this is such a big thing. In spite of the setbacks on Saturday with the headache etc. everything went off perfectly and a good time was had by all. I know I certainly enjoyed it!


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