Auggie Update

Before life gets too busy or I forget, I want to write down August's stats from his two month appointment.
Baby Boy is a whopping 11 lbs 5 oz and 22 inches long. At birth he was 7 lbs 4 oz and 20 inches long. So up 4 lbs and 2 inches longer....grow baby grow! He did great and only cried for a second after those lousy shots. Emery Kayt was 11 lbs 9 oz and 23 inches long at two months--so pretty much the same size! Perfect size,  I think:)
He is starting to get little rolls on his legs (that I am love with) and those cheeks are finally growing. Nothing better than baby cheeks.
I mentioned earlier that he still has all of his blonde hair--but the back was getting a red tint...
But the top is still so blonde...and it doesn't look like the curls are leaving anytime soon. I am in love with his messy head of curls. I never would have dreamed that my boy would have blonde curls.

We are almost done with our first week of work and going to Miss Nancy's. Sounds like his very first day was a little rough--no big naps--but the rest of the week has been better! Both kiddos are sound asleep around 9 and he has been sleeping 6 to 7 hours straight...which I am so thankful for. The new routine seems to be working great so far....hope it stays this way.

Even though things are going great I would be lying if I said I wasn't looking forward to the weekend. I am going to get some major cuddling time in, a date night with my man AND I get to see my best friends. Woooo hooooooooo!!!


  1. I am so excited and thankful for how Auggie is growing and doing soooo well. I did not know he was getting shots today. Hate to see them have to get them but thank God they are available to protect them. Love, love, love Auggies hair. He will probably hate it. Em will probably wish it was hers.Life is good. God is awesome.


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