Em's Adventures: The Zoo!

We finished my last week of break with one last Girls Day--a trip to the zoo!!
Emery is so chatty and silly here at home, but get her out there with lots of people and she gets very quiet and just takes it all in. So on the way to the zoo she didn't stop talking about the "monteeees and elafeet" (monkeys and elephants) but when we got there she just kind of looked around and nodded when you asked her if she could see the animal. I know she loved it--the reason being she didn't stop talking about it on the way home! 

Here are a few pictures of her favorites:
She loved brushing the goats hair.
And the seemed to love her. I think we need one....
She really liked the butterflies.... until one landed on her stroller. Then not so much.
Snacks were of course a highlight ha!
The girl LOVED the train. And so did I. I would honestly be fine just riding the train all day....less walking, more air flow. Sounds good to me!
The Elephant family was by far her favorite. I think she could actually see them and knew what they were. We watched them forever.
We also loved the Penguins. Because who doesn't love a Penguin. (I also want one of these...)
The FAVORITE part of probably any two year olds day was the carousel.
She picked to ride the Elephant. Told you she loved them.
This is a picture comparing this years trip to last years. And I thought she was a big girl then...
We really had a great day. The weather was perfect, we saw everything we wanted to see and Emery was awesome. I saw some ornery little boys running around and I had to think to myself....."Will Auggie be as easy as Em is.....or am I in for a rude awakening!?!" Either way, I cannot wait to take my boys (Douglas and August) with us next year. Ornery or not.
And here he is. My big boy not missing me at all. He was spoiled by Grandma Susie and Daddy so I would say he had a great day too.

I have officially declared today to be a "Stay in Jammies and Play Day" so I had better go!
Happy weekend all!


  1. I WANT A GOAT TOO. Em and I can share ownership. She can have it through the week and I'll take weekends and every other holiday.

  2. So cute. Does Emery ever look like August in the comparison picture on the carousel!Guess I should say August looks like Emery. August is growing so fast. He is sitting up so good in the seat. Looks like you had a good day for your outing with the weather as well as kiddos. Glad Hanna got to go. Won't be long before birthday time. Hope to see you all before then!

  3. Just dawned don me. The picture I referred to above was comparing Em to her picture last year. Duh no wonder I thought it looked so much like Em. Lol. Last years picture of Em looks just like August to me.


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