August Samuel~Two Months Old

August Samuel you are two months. What have you been up to??
You have grown so much over the last month. We blinked and you outgrew all of your newborn clothes and got a little personality. You like to drink about 4 ounces every three hours but some times push that to 6 ounces. I think you are making up for lost time! You can squeeze into a couple of your newborn outfits but 3 month outfits are starting to fit just perfect. Mommy loves dressing you up....who knew boy clothes could be so fun! You go to the doctor on Tuesday and we cannot wait to see how much you have grown.
We decided that you were such a big boy that it was time to sleep in your crib! You moved there this week and did so good (Mommy didn't do that bad either). We officially took down the pack'n'play so I guess you are officially a crib sleeper from now on! You like a bottle around 8 and would really like to go to bed then, but usually you are not snug in your swaddle until about 9 or a little after. Your sister was the best sleeper ever and we are just going to try to do what we did with her. We lay you down awake but sleepy and we don't hear anything out of you for about 6 hours! By then you want to eat but then go right back to sleep! So far so good Auggie Boy!
You have started to smile. You think Daddy is the funniest and you love to hear your sister's voice. But above love your Mommy! I must have the perfect cuddles and soothing "shhhhh" because I seem to be the one that makes you the happiest. I hope you stay a Momma's Boy forever.
You have a new found fondness for baths and Mommy has mastered the best way to put you in your swing...on your side and swaddled up tight. You love a good nap! Your hair (curls) are getting longer...the top is still light light blonde but the back definitely has a red tint. Your eyes are of course blue like Daddy's and you have the lightest eyebrows and eyelashes....kind of like Mommy's. We pretty much think you are the cutest!
Here is this month compared to last month. So much more alert (and of course so much bigger!)
And just for is a side by side of you and Emery at the same age. At times I do not think you look alike at all....but then I see pictures like this. 

It is hard to believe that you are already two months old. And while we want time to slow down....we cannot wait to see how much you grow and change this next month. Love you baby boy! Can't imagine life without you.


  1. Wow has he ever grown! Super cute and so alert. So glad he is sleeping so good. Makes it so good for mommy and daddy. Can't wait to see him and Em. PaPa and GiGi are trying to figure out for sure which one is Em and which one is Auggie in the side by side picture. You are so blessed that Em and now Auggie have such good sleeping routine. So important for you and Doug to get your sleep and rest too and of course it is good for the kiddos to get sleep and rest. Anxious to hear Tuesday from Auggies Dr.. appointment. Love to you all. Come and see us.


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