Here We Go....

I started school today. And I was pretty okay with it. I say pretty okay because summer went by too fast, I will miss my days at home doing fun stuff and most of all, I will miss my babies. But with all the sad things that come with going back to work....I was really not dreading it.
In all honesty I figured I would be a grump about this whole school starting thing. I figured I would be pouting and dragging my feet. But I wasn't. And there are a couple of reasons why.
First of all, I like what I do. This will be my 5th year of teaching and I very much enjoy it. I have taught at three very different schools, with my most recent being the most "different". But really what the teachers and principal do there is not that different. They push the students, care for the students, guide the students, listen to the students, (probably drive the students crazy at times...don't worry, they deserve it). They put their whole hearts into their job and their kids (because every student does become your kid) and they do this with a smile on their face (most of the time). Sounds like a great school to me!
I am looking forward to this school year for three reasons. One: I will no longer be new. Being the new teacher is not really that fun. There is a lot to learn-procedures, students, colleagues. Which leads me to number two: I love the people that I work with. It is a small team. And that is what we are, a team. They crack me up and I feel like I could ask any of them for help. That is so important in a job! And number three: I am looking forward to my classes and subjects. Mostly English and writing which is what I am all about! (Weird...I know). Over the past two years, Doug has heard me pout about having to work. But then he quickly reminds me that I have the best of both worlds. I can go and work and do my thing and then I get to enjoy weekends and long breaks and all summer with my littles. I am very blessed to do what I do.
And it is probably a good thing I do not stay home, because I honestly like a busy schedule too much. I like to get up, get ready, and go. So does Emery. She behaves much better when we are structured and doing something. Do not get me wrong, we love nothing more than a lazy day at home. But I am afraid that if I stayed home with the kids, we would fall into doing that more than doing other things. I think it would be hard to be a stay at home mom AND keep the kids busy and structured. I know Moms do this all the time and it is the greatest thing for them and their family. I look up to those Moms who are able to do that. And at the same time, I look up to the Moms like me who try to find the best combination of outside work and inside home life for their families.  So really what I guess I am saying is I look up to Moms. Because we all love our kids and do what is best for I right!!?!
With that being said, I am looking forward to figuring out our new schedule. We had the schedule for the three of us down pat. Now we have a forth and with that we have to restructure everything. I have learned that babies do not change to fit your schedule...we have to change too.
The biggest love/hate change that comes when school starts is sending the kiddos to the babysitters. A.k.a Miss Nancy.

~Emery's first day 2014~

When Em was six weeks old and I left her at daycare for the first time, my heart broke. Not because I didn't like her babysitter, because I loved her babysitter. She would have done anything for Emery or I and I would not have made it through that first year without her. But I felt so far away and alone. If something were to happen, who would I call? Who was there to help me? It was on that day that I called Doug and told him we were moving back home. And I am glad he listened to his crazy crying wife. Because there is nothing like the comfort I now feel.

I know that in an instant, 20 or more people would drop what they were doing and come to Doug's or Emery's or August's or I's rescue. I also know that my kiddos are in the best of care during the day. They will be happy to go and sad to leave (but secretly happy to see their Mommy...I hope). Emery loves Miss Nancy and her friends there. She has learned more than I could have ever taught her in this past year. And I am not just talking about her ABC's--sharing, picking up, friendship, listening--I am so thankful for this. A babysitter is truly a second Mom and I am lucky to have Nancy as my kiddos "second Mom". That is why I am not scared at all to be sending my baby to daycare this time. I know he will be spoiled rotten. I also love knowing that Emery will be there--a familiar voice of comfort. I can just picture Em shhhhing her baby Auggie and telling him it will be okay. I cannot wait to see them grow up together this year. Because Lord knows how much they will grow!
So because I love my job and a schedule and being back at home and my babysitter, I am ready for school to start and at the same time not ready. I will miss this summer. The summer of my August. But I am so looking forward to the fall and for holidays and...well for everything really. Work makes the days go by fast and the months go by fast and the years go by fast.....but they are the best days and months and years.  So here we go....wish us luck! 


  1. I always read the blogs to PaPa and I could hardly do it today because of tearing up so much. Amazing how much Emmy had changed in one year and Auggie in two months. I too feel so good about you having t leave them because I know they are in a safe, secure and loving place. I am sure Doug was nervous about the kids too. We always think of mommy but daddy's are effected too. I am sure he echos your sentiments though that the kids are in good hands. WE ARE SOTHANKFUL THAT YOU ARE HOME!!!!!!!!!!


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