Road Trip!

This weekend marked our first road trip as a family of four. Gone are the days of easy packing and plenty of room in the back seat. The. car. was. full. We made it there and back and had a blast in between. How about a quick little recap of our trip?
We jumped in the car and hit the road as soon as we could on Friday. We were heading about 3 hours north to Doug's brothers. We love visiting Phil, Tari and the girls and we always have a great time....but we knew this time would be different. First off, they have a new house which just happens to have plenty of room for lots of Jansens! Doug's other brother and his family made the trip too! That makes 14 Jansens under one roof. We have never spent the weekend as a whole group and I am so glad we can do that now.   
The drive up was surprisingly very smooth. It wasn't this one I was worried about....
It was the little one with the curls. So far in his three months of life he has proved to be a bad traveler. He gets tired of his seat, doesn't sleep and just wants to see his Mommy. I figured I was going to have to squeeze in between the two car seats to make the long drive work but after about 30 minutes he settled in and did great!
Friday night went by quickly. Kids played, parents talked, kids went to bed, parents talked some more. Em camped out on our bedroom floor and thought it was about the coolest thing ever.
The ladies (plus Nick and August) ventured out on Saturday--the weather was beautiful. You would have to ask the boys about what they did--very manly stuff I think. Did you catch Emery looking up to her cousin in the picture above? She fell in love with those girls this weekend. I am so glad she has them.
Saturday turned into an outside-in-play-clothes kind of day. (Well that was after Emery, August and I took a two hour nap that was a-maz-inggg.) Again, kids played, parents talked, kids went to bed, parents talked so more--but by a fire this time. The weekend up North went by fast--but that is what happens when you are having fun.
Elton John August Samuel did not do as great on the way home. Not even the sunglasses helped ha! We broke up the trip a little by eating in Champaign---
and playing/shopping in Tuscola. 
After that I had to sit in my too-tiny-backseat because this one was grouchy. We pull into Effingham and he falls fast asleep. I swear he does this kind of stuff on purpose!
And even though we had the best time, we are glad to be home. Emery was excited to see her toys, August finally got his snuggles he had craved all day and Douglas ended up comfy on the couch watching football. It was baths and bottles before 8:30....I think we could all use one more day of weekend!

But here comes Monday. Oh well--thankful for safe travels, family and sleeping in my own bed tonight!


  1. Been watching for repot. Thanks for the blog and pics. Thanking God for your safe travels and those of the others that made the trip also. I noticed in the one pic how long Em's hair is getting. So glad you got to go visit family and that a good time was had by all! God is good.


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