Extra, Extra, Extra

Extra laughter, extra fresh air, extra cuddles and extra smiles--that is what our last week and weekend was made of. I am one lucky lady.
The Laughter: Emery has taken play time to a whole new level all of a sudden. She is wayyy into "getting ready"--hair, makeup, deodorant, hairspray--she pretends to do it all. She really is my mini. She also likes to get Mommy and Daddy ready but this past week poor Auggie became her next subject. While I was busy doing laundry and dishes, the above happened. And I laughed.
And then the above happened again. And while laughing some more,  I realized I had been telling Emery she could play with August but that she could not put anything on his face. Sure enough....toys are surrounding him, but none on his face! I guess she really was listening. Em was very proud of herself and as for August....well, August will take any attention he can get! He loves it when Em plays with him.
I thought I had better add a picture of the finished product of when Em "gets ready"...complete with snow boots and gloves. And this was not the craziest look of the week.
This one definitely keeps us on our toes.
And this one has me totally wrapped around his little finger. I had my first little-boy-in-bibs experience this week....and if I thought he was cute before...I had not seen cute yet.

The extra fresh air came in the form of a football game, a parade and a night sitting by the fire. Can all weekends please have these three things??
You can guess who was my buddy at the parade....
And Emery Kayt had lots of buddies....number one on her list going to Grandpa Sammy.
But she also loves her some cousin time too!
By watching Nora, Em quickly caught on to the fact that waving and a pretty smile equals candy. So the girl never stopped waving. Just like she never stopped clapping at the football game. I would imagine her arms are tired today ha!
I know my arms are a little tired but in no way am I complaining. My extra cuddles came in the form of holding this one all weekend. He craves his Momma's arms--by Friday we are inseparable.  He could have just woken up for nap, but if I am holding him, you can bet he is sleeping. I actually think he fakes it sometimes because the minute I move a muscle, his eyes are wide open. So I give him what he wants and we cuddle and cuddle and cuddle. And life is good. 
And the extra smiles came from August too. Em is always smiling so nothing new there, but my boy has found his voice and his smile. His face just lights up at the sign of me or Doug or Emery. He likes his grandparents a lot too. And that voice of his....so high pitched and loud that you would think his throat would hurt. I knew he would change a lot this month but I didn't expect it so quickly.

So that was our last week full of extras. Not gonna lie, I hope this week is filled with even more! For everyone!


  1. What a wonderful week. Of course how could it be any different with these precious little ones.They are such a delight. So glad you take the time to just cuddle and give them the time want. You cannot give a child anything more important or that they will remember. Making memories. Love to you all.


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