Our Tiny Tumbler

Emery Kayt had her first tumbling class Monday night. It hit me on the way there that she is old enough to be in a "class".....when did this happen!??!?!
Here she is doing her best "taa daaa" pose. Can you tell she was a little bit excited? To make the 30 minute class even cuter then it already was going to be, Em wore my tumbling suit from when I was her age--my Mom had saved all of these years. Leotards must never go out of style ha!
Jumping. The girl loves to jump.
And already mastering (okay maybe not really mastering yet....) a somersault. I have a feeling we will be practicing these all week!
She was pretty proud of her sticker when class was over. And somehow I got her to leave without any tears....I might have bribed her with ice cream.....
We visited Nana at work before heading home and she got her promised ice cream. I hope she enjoys this class--I think it is important for little kiddos to learn about taking turns and cheering on others and I can see how this is going to help. For just the first class I was very proud of you Em!


  1. What a thrill. She will love this class I am sure. I think she will excel and acompllish soooo much. Good for their coordination also.PaPa and GiGi so proud of you Emmy I can't wait until you have a show and tell time so we can come and watch you. Have a good time and practice, practice, practice. love ya so much.


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