August Samuel~4 Months Old

August Samuel Jansen you are four months old! Four! Last month I wrote that I figured you would change a lot in the next month and I was so right! What have you been up to mister?
You are growing! Still squeezing into your 0-3 month clothes but they are getting a little snug. I hold up your 6 month clothes and they look huge….I have to remind myself that you will be fitting into them in no time. You are wearing size two diapers now. My favorite part of you growing is your cheeks…and chubby legs….and your little round belly. Okay so really all of you is my favorite.
You still eat about every three hours but recently prefer 6 ounces over just four. You spit up a lot—as in change your bib 3 or 4 times a day kind of spit up. We recently switched to a heavier formula and it seems to be helping a little bit. You go to the doctor Tuesday and I am going to pick her brain—we know you are growing and you are very happy but I just want to make sure you are getting everything that you need! Emery started homemade baby food at 4 months so I want to ask the doctor about that too.

You are spoiled rotten-your ideal schedule would be to play a little, drink a bottle and be rocked for a little nap—then start all over. And guess what I do with you…..let you play, give you a bottle and hold you for a nap. But you are my sweet baby boy and you won’t always want me to hold you so I cuddle as much as I can. Up until this week you had been sleeping all night. Ready for bed by 8:30 and we woke you up around 7. That was amazingggggg. This past week you have decided to wake up twice (which is still kinda amazing, I know) but I am just wondering …why the change?

Besides your change in size, the other big change is your little personality. You found your smile and voice this past month. You either have a big, cheesy grin or a little ornery smirk—I just stare at you and wonder what you are going to be like. Along with getting bigger and smiling bigger, you have found your big voice. You screammmm and squeal at the top of your lungs (and then cough because it probably hurt ha!) Sometimes we think you are mad—but nope, just being as loud as you can. I joke that you think you have to be this loud to be heard because your sister never stops talking at home.
You are starting to like toys—really just anything you can stick in your mouth- and you love watching Emery. You never take your eyes off her. I am still your favorite but Daddy is slowly winning you over too….you think he is pretty silly.

You are just so sweet Auggie. We love you, we love you, we love you.


  1. Love all pictures. He is really growing and doing so well. Him and Emery are so adorable. Love to you all.


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