Still Here

Don't worry, I am still here. A week late on my recap.....but better late than never right?!?! I have a few excuses if that helps at all.
Monday my girl melted my heart. From the back seat and with the sweetest voice I heard, "Mommy.....I weally weally want you to be my besss friend!" And cue the "awwwww's". She has since asked me every day to be her best friend and I love it every time. She is just the sweetest thing right now.
Tuesday the bob came back! I had been debating on cutting her hair again. I have always had long hair and always imagined having a little girl with long hair....but there is just something about her spunky little straight-haired bob. And those cheeks.
A girl. A bob. And a bow. Just a few of my favorite things!
After Em got her hair done, it was my turn. Emery soaked up everything the hairdresser did and copied my every move--down to reading a magazine in the drying chair ha! She has rein-acted washing my hair all week. I love that I have a girl to share these girly moments with. Maybe we will talk Daddy into letting us get our nails done some day.......
Wednesday was Pumpkins and PJ Day at Miss Nancy's. So of course I dressed my two in matching pumpkin pajamas. They may not be able to match during the day usually but you can bet they have matching jammies! Em picked two pumpkins-one for her and the tiniest one for August. So glad they have a babysitter that takes time to build memories.
Wednesday quickly took a turn for the worse after I picked up the kiddos. Instead of driving straight home like I always do, I decided to check out some back roads and the trek-trail by our house--I wanted to scope out a good spot to take some pictures. As I was driving down a dirt hill, I passed the point of no return......the "dirt road" was quickly changing into a "mud road". I was stuck. And did I mention I was in Doug's car because mine had quit on me after hair appointments the day before. Last time he lets me drive his car. I had to call him and admit that I was not the smartest person and that I needed help! An hour later we were home.

One of our helpers decided to come over for an impromptu supper which was fun. And then I got sick. Okay really I just started feeling yucky so I went to bed....just to wake up with a fever and sore throat. Great. After making sub plans and seeing Douglas and the kids off, I crawled back into bed. I NEVER get sick.....but later that day found out I had strep throat. Great. My boss and co-workers worked together so that I could stay home Friday too and good thing....I was still getting worse. But after lots of sleep and medicine (and ice cream) I can now say I am back among the living and it feels good. Shout out to my school team, Doug's parents, my Mom and of course Doug for taking care of me and everything else! 
Saturday we took it easy- I still wasn't feeling great. We played outside.
And when it got too cold, we cuddled inside. 

Sunday my dear, dear friend Kendra took our family pictures. And let me tell you....four is much trickier then three ha! I love her patience with us and cannot wait to see the moments she captured.

It was back to the grind Monday and now it is already Wednesday evening.
Time flies when you have been sick ad you are busy and have lots and lots to do.....Oh and when you are having fun too. Because we are always having fun.

Happy rest of the week everyone!


  1. Thankful for the blog. Been missing it Love the pics. August looks soooo cute in his football hat. Of course Em looks adorable too.. Glad you are over your strep throat and so is Em. So thankful August and Doug and no one else got it from you. Thank you God.


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