What A Week!

As we roll right on into November, we seem to be getting busier and time seems to be going by faster--tricky combination. Looking back, last week seems like a whirl-wind.....
Monday was Doug and I's 10 year "anniversary". That's right, 10 years ago the boy I had a major crush on finally asked me out during 1st period Spanish. Lots of life changes and two kiddos later and I am still so glad he got up the nerve to ask me out. I  am a pretty lucky girl. How did we celebrate you ask?? Doug left for Georgia at the crack of dawn and the littles and I missed him all week ha! Don't worry--the man planned a weekend away for us soon!
Tuesday Nana came over to help me out. I was behind on laundry and dishes and baths and....well just about everything. Instead of getting caught up, we might have gotten a little side tracked because.....
Because matching Christmas jammies that are almost already too small...that's why. These two beat all that yucky house stuff any day. 
We did sneak in a quick bath. And just so I can remember how sweet his curls are I put a picture here. I have to be honest with myself....I know these curls won't last forever-a haircut will happen someday. Boooo.
Miss Em has never really had a problem with Doug going on business trips, but this time got to her. She has been a major Daddy's girl lately and was in tears when she learned that she could not go too. So to make sure we kept her happy we either face-timed or took lots of pictures for Dad. As much as I love having all of the cuddles to myself, I sure do miss my teammate! 
Wednesday we did some early trick-or-treating. Our Newton peeps spoil us!!!
First stop was D's house! I swear it was more like Christmas instead of Halloween. Did I mention my kids are spoiled???
Then it was off to Aunt Linda's to show off our "smoking" skills hehehe. After this weekend, we officially put the play cigarette away. 
Thursday evening was a get-everything-done before-Daddy-finally-comes-home kind of evening. Emery helped me feed our growing boy. I think a baby-food making day is in store soon...the Aug likes to eat! 
Doug called when he was about 10 minutes away and Em was PUMPED! She kind of did this freak out, run around the house thing then dropped to the floor behind the couch. When I asked her what she was doing, she looked up and whispered, "Hidingggg". I tried not to laugh because she was so serious about it. I knew exactly what she was planning on doing....it was going to be time to scare Dad! He got a big "BOO" and then a huge running hug. I know how much that means to him. Later on when Doug was walking around the kitchen telling me about his trip, August couldn't take his eyes off him and he grinned so big--he totally thought Doug was talking to him. Proof that both kiddos missed their Daddy!
Cruella made her final appearance on Friday after school--it was time for the rest of our trick-or-treating!
This time she had three of her Dalmations with her. It was so fun seeing everyone, but boy were we pooped by the time we got home! 
Good thing we had no real plans for Saturday. We finally got caught back up on dishes and laundry. We played, cooked yummy food together and cuddled. In the evening we got all ready for trick-or-treaters...and only one group of three kids came. More candy for us I guess!
Baths and bedtime finished out the day. August barely fits in his bath anymore. He is just too big (and too sweet.)
After church on Sunday we grabbed lunch with our good friends Sharon and Eric. They live so close but I feel like we never see them. I blame these whirl-wind weeks. Hopefully over the holidays we can squeeze in some more time.
We finished up our weekend back in comfy clothes. My babies played together (and yes, I did mean babies. Emery has been very into doing whatever baby brother is doing. If that means laying in a crib sucking on her hand, so be it. She is such a good big sister that I sometimes forget she really is still a baby herself. Man, I love them). Doug battled some leaves--and I do mean battled because we have a bazillion leaves-while I battled toys--because we have our fair share of those too. 

Looking forward to this week. Doug will be home and nothing is on the calendar--a much needed relaxing week. Hope everyone else has the same in store!


  1. Love seeing Em and Augie playng togetherYou can see the mutual affection. Loved hearing the giggles in the video. Augie is growing so fast. Loved his reaction and the way Em looked at him like to make sure he was having a fun time right at the end of the video.Believe the two have a real brother/sister bond. So great. .


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