A Whole Lot of Busy

Do you ever just have one of those weeks where you catch yourself coming and going? I am not real sure if I have sat down since last Thursday. In no way am I complaining--we have been busy for good reasons, kids have been good, everything is good. But boy, does Christmas break sound good too! Reminding myself today that I am blessed to be this busy (and that a nice break is just around the corner).  
This recap is going all the way back to last weekend. Friday night I got the kiddos dressed up to go to Wal-mart. Well, okay, so we went out for supper too. Was Emery a bit over dressed? Maybe. But when you don't have that many occasions to dress up for and you have an adorable turtle-neck dress hanging in the closet, you get fancy on a Friday night!
After supper we decided it was high time to see the Christmas lights at the park. In 50 degree weather. Weird. We broke the law just a little and let Emery sit up front. This was her face the entire time. 
She loved them. She is loving everything about this time of year. She tells Auggie that "Santa is watching!!" if she thinks he is being bad. She says "Oh my gosh....those are my favorite" to every house we pass with Christmas lights on. She talks to the Christmas cards we have gotten in the mail. She told me that baby Jesus has a Mommy, Daddy, Grandma Susie, Grandpa Sammy and an Uncle Phil--she was naming the Wise Men ha! (I forgot to tell my friend Kendra that I caught her playing with her nativity set and she was call baby Jesus, baby Desmond ha! Just too many names and people and new information to keep it all straight.)
I do not have any pics of Em from Saturday because she was busy! We had our first official Girls-Only shopping trip. Em, Nana, Gigi and I shopped till we dropped. August and Doug had a boys day. 
This picture cracks me up. Douglas kept me up to date on what my boy was up to all day. The caption for this photo was "Three hour nap crazy eyes." I think Doug had his hands full all day with this man on the move.  

Besides Church and lunch out, we did about one million things on Sunday. We had a big week to get ready for.
Tumble Mondays. Emery has improved so much since we started. She does really good at the tumbling and listening part. Jumping on the other hand......the poor girl cannot jump to save her life. All of the other little girls pounce and prance and my flat-footed girl does a weird half-hop-half-you-have-to-see-it-to-understand kind of jump. How do you teach someone to jump?
But who needs to jump when you look this cute upside down??
Tuesday was this one's 6 month appointment. Auggie boy is up to 16 lbs 2oz and 25 1/2 inches long. Em was the exact same length but weighed 15 lbs 10oz--so he is just a little bigger. The doctor took her time listening to him breath and asked me if he always sounded like that. Ummmm....yes?? At this point August had the start of a cold so I had been blaming the wheezing on that. She wanted to try a breathing treatment and it helped right away. So instead of shots, August got a breathing machine. At first, he hated it. The first night at home with it, Doug and Emery sang every song they knew (anything from "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer" to the University of Illinois's Fight Song) and they danced like fools to keep him happy. Now he just kind of chills out and excepts that we have to do it. He goes back tomorrow and I hope he gets a good report! 
Wednesday the kids and I headed for Newton. I wanted to wish my children's sweet guardian angel, Ian, a happy heavenly birthday with his Momma. And since I was in Newton, I couldn't pass up a supper with the family. We met Nana, Aunt Linda, Bill. D, Heath and Hannah for pizza. August was spoiled by Aunt Linda and D--to keep him busy and happy he tried his hardest to catch some runaway crackers. When he got his little fingers on some he thought they were the best thing ever! This one is going to eat me out of house and home someday.....
Em was entertained by her buddies Heath and Hannah. My kiddos are so lucky to have so many people that love them.
Thursday I had a dreaded dentist appointment. I say dreaded for no real reason. Going to the dentist is just not something that is on my favorites list. But I actually had a great experience and feel all shiny and new! A dentist appointment means getting home late which means a late supper and late everything else. But I really just wanted to hold my boy. So I did. Doug cleaned the kitchen for me so I could. That quick 30 minute break made me realize how long it has been since we have just relaxed and enjoyed each other. This weekend I plan on doing a lot of enjoying. And then guess what....a two day work week and then the most enjoyable break yet!

Here is to a good Friday and a relaxing weekend! Enjoy it!


  1. Love the blog. So precious to see Em so intrigued by the lights. She is really getting into this Christmas. Love her turtleneck dress. You have been really busy. You are so blessed. I'm glad you have a nice long vacation time coming up soon then you can rest up and spoil the kiddos. Looking forward to seeing you all soon.


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