August Samuel~6 Months Old

August Samuel Jansen—can you believe you are 6 months already?? My sweet baby boy is half a year old. What have you been up to?
We go to the doctor next week and I cannot wait to see how much you have grown. You are not great big by any means, but your 6 month clothes are getting tighter and your sweet cheeks are getting chubbier. Which I just love. You are wearing size 3 diapers and will be moving into 9 month clothes before long I am sure. You have the biggest, bluest eyes (just like Daddy and Em) but that hair of yours is definitely from Mommy. It is wild. We combed it done after a bath once and it was soooo long straight. You looked like such a little boy with the perfect side part. I am too in love with your wild curls to comb it down all the time, so for now….rock the curly mohawk Auggie Boy!
You are a little pig. If anything is held in front of you that you think is edible, you snatch it up and put it straight in your mouth. You drink 6oz every three to four hours and for supper you eat a vegetable and fruit. So far you have tried carrots, sweet potatoes, squash, green beans, avocado, bananas, apples and pears. Green beans being the least favorite of course.
You have been a great sleeper lately (thank you!) If I am around, I hold you for your naps. I can’t help it….I won’t always have a snuggly boy that wants me to hold him. You go to bed around 8 most nights and we wake you up around 7. There is a night or two a week where you get restless early in the morning but a paci or bottle knocks you right back out. I think being out of a swaddle has helped your sleeping—you are usually a side sleeper but I find you on your belly every morning….sometimes with your little bottom stuck up in the air.
Your personality is probably what has changed the most in the last month. I swear you are already ornery—and dramatic. You have a loud fake cough and squeal that you do if you are not getting your way or if we are not paying enough attention to you. Since you are rolling all over the place you will get into stuff you are not supposed to and just smile from ear to ear when you get caught. You are happiest when you are naked….I like to say that you are totally going to be the little boy that is running around the house with his underwear on his head when company comes over. I have that to look forward to I guess.
Besides your love of no clothes or diaper, you love your paci, any toy you can try to eat, baths with Emery, jumping in the jumper, kicking and kicking and kicking, and your sister. You are just so busy now. The perfect combination of ornery-on-the-go and cuddly-sweet. We love you so so much. Happy 6 Months Auggie!
(A little behind the scenes action. Between August rolling everywhere and Assistant Emery wanting to be in every picture, these 6 month photos were not easy to get!)


  1. Every picture is just so adorable. He is growing so fast. Love those curls and sweet smile. Happy 6 month birthday Auggie. Love to all.


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