Baby J #3~15 Weeks

How far along? 15 weeks! (Well now going on 16..)  Baby is the size of an avocado-about 4 inches long. Baby J can move his/her elbows and knees and is already practicing swallowing.

Maternity clothes? Just one pair of jeans. Everything else is working with the ol' hair tie trick but it won't be for long. I didn't think I had grown much in the last two weeks (yes I missed 14 happens! Sorry Baby J!) but these last couple of days the bump is definitely showing. Emery has noticed and will just stare at it with a smile or touch it. The other day she came up behind me and poked my behind and said "Mommy, your butt is growing too!" THANKS EM.

Sleep:Sleep has been better minus a million things running through my head these past two week. I have been getting up less so that rocks!

Best moment this week: I got to hear baby's heartbeat this week which is always so comforting. Heartbeat seems to always be in the 145 range.  Last week we heard it too and we could even hear a few kicks! I swore I felt baby flutters last week and I really am now. One of my favorite parts of pregnancy!

Food cravings: I still want tart juice or lemonade! Nothing else is really doing it for me. I am just hungry this week.

Symptoms: Well I had another little scare last week but Baby checked out great again and I got to hear heartbeats again this week. My Doctor and I are becoming so close!  How ornery is this Baby going to be??

Have you started to show yet: Last week I would have said not really. This wee it is a YES. 

Gender prediction:Girl but some days I dream about having another little blonde haired-blue-eyed boy.

Happy or Moody: HAPPY HAPPY! Baby keeps checking out great and summer break is almost here.

Looking forward to: Feeling baby more and more and celebrating Mother's Day this weekend. 


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