Baby J #3~16 Weeks

How far along? 16 Weeks! Baby J is now going on 5 inches long and is the size of a pickle! Baby's closed eyes can now sense light (and I wonder if they are going to be blue....)

Maternity clothes? I cleaned out my closet last week and made way for the few summer maternity items I can wear now. My seasons are flip-flopped with this pregnancy but I only have a week or so of school left so hopefully I can pull together enough outfits to get me through. Then comfy clothes here I come!

Sleep:Last night I mentioned to Doug that I am getting uncomfortable at night.My belly already feels heavy. And to that he said, "Already...." Yes, already. For only being 16 weeks I feel much farther along by the end of the day. Either I am old or my other two are wearing me out. Or it is a combination. Might have to break out the pregnancy pillow before long!

Best moment this week: Mother's Day. We just had a really good weekend. I hope to never forget the feeling of holding Auggie, sitting by Emery and feeling Baby #3 wiggle all at the same time. How blessed am I!

Food cravings: Nothing special this week. Just a hungry hippo over here.

Symptoms: All was well this week! Besides being worn out by the end of the day, no symptoms. I would like it to stay this way!

Have you started to show yet: YES. No hiding the bump anymore. It has been slowly growing but I swear over night this weekend it really popped. 

Gender prediction:I had a dream that we found out we were having a boy so now I am leaning more towards boy. Dreams can tell us amazing things so maybe I should believe it!

Happy or Moody: Very very happy. 

Looking forward to: Summer break and our 19 week appointment. In the mean time I crave feeling Baby J kick so I hope he/she keeps kicking up a storm.


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