Baby J#3~18 Weeks

How far along? 18 Weeks! Baby J is now the size of a little chipmunk.

Maternity clothes? Yes, of course. I wore my last few school items that fit last week. Good thing it is summer! I am on the hunt for some shorts though....

Sleep:Broke out the pregnancy pillow and made it half a night with it. Just not comfortable. This week Doug has been gone and having the whole bed to myself magically made me more comfortable. Hint hint Douglas.....

Best moment this week: Feeling baby consistently this week. Baby kicks are my favorite part of pregnancy and I had been feeling them. All of a sudden I swore I wasn't. I would sit for as long as the kiddos would allow me praying for a wiggle or kick. This darn baby! This week kicks and wiggles are back. Keep them coming Baby J!

Food cravings: Everything+cold lemonade

Symptoms: Only a growing belly.

Have you started to show yet: Yep. I feel big already but I know I have a long way to go.

Gender prediction:I am so torn. One second it is girl and the next it is boy. I guess I will stick with my original guess and say girl. 

Happy or Moody: Very very happy. 

Looking forward to: Big baby kicks and our appointment in next week. I really really want to find out gender and Douglas really doesn't. We will see who gives....


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