Biggest Recap Ever

I have been M.I.A. these last couple of weeks. I feel like I am deep into the "End of the Year" busy season but that just means summer break is right around the corner. I am so looking forward to break with my Em and my Aug. But before that starts I need to recap the last couple of weeks.
So here comes a little bit of everything.
Let's start off with a pic of this cutie just for fun. He is going to be exhausting this summer. He wakes up saying "oushide" and goes to sleep the same way. He is basketball obsessed and even pretends to dribble and shoot without a ball or hoop. He always has a hat on-he picks it out every morning. His talking has really taken off and this is just my favorite age so far. He says "Ohtay" after everything just like the little boy on Little Rascals. And he is my Little Rascal.
Before the Great Rain of 2017 hit, we were loving being outside until the sun went down. It was a little glimpse of this summer. One of our new favorite things is to grab some easy picnic food and eat supper at Ballard Nature Center. Well, Doug, Em and I eat and Auggie tries to chase geese and look at the water. I foresee lots of late day picnics and walks here this summer. I know I could definitely get used to this view.  
I could get used to this view girls! A few weekends ago we traveled to St. Louis and stayed with Kendra. We hadn't all been together since Madison was born and it felt so good to catch up. We cried a little--Sharon gifted us with the sweetest pictures and frame of Madison and Ian's hand prints that are now proudly displayed in our front room. And we laughed a lot--we ate lots of yummy food and did an Escape Room together. (and now I am hooked on them!) Leaving Kendra and Kaci made me miss them immediately (I at least got to ride in the car with Shar) and I can't wait to see everyone again.
Douglas held down the fort while I was away. I was gone two weekends in a row so he is an old pro by now!
This last Friday we celebrated two good friends' birthdays. Doug and I got to be in on the surprise and did an Escape Room here in town as a distraction (our team set the record for time and clues!!). We then ran home and got the kiddos so that we could make it to the real surprise party. How fun! Em loved playing with her pal Charlee and Auggie kind of hated everything that night. There were lots of people and it was loud and I guess I was easy to lose. At one time they turned off the lights to light the birthday candles and August Samuel LOST it. I could hear a boy screaming but couldn't find him in the dark. Poor Boy! Besides the meltdown it was a very fun night.
Saturday morning we woke up with no plans at all. Doug mentioned that it was Mitch's last home baseball game so we decided to quickly pack up and go to Newton. Man am I glad we did. We got to see him hit the winning HOME RUN--his first home run ever. How cool! Emery was confused on if she should cheer on the Newton Eagles or the St. Anthony Bulldogs (she is going to be a combination all her life) and Auggie loved sitting with Grandpa Sammy. Not going to lie, it took me back to the many games I watched when Douglas played. Maybe Auggie will be number four someday.....
After naps Nana came over that evening and asked if she could take us out to supper. With it being Prom, every place was packed and we randomly ended up going to Fujiyama. We thought the kids would love the Hibachi Table. WRONG. When the fire started, Em sat with a worried look on her face and Auggie BAWLED. The whole table was laughing and when the fire started to die down he sadly said "bye bye fire..." He was a sad sight to see but it was really funny. At least they loved the food.....
We started off with no plans on Sunday too until Terry called and asked if Doug could help him for the day. So after church we put on play clothes and headed for the farm. 
I think Emery would live there if I let her (Auggie too but he would miss me too much.) Em and Nora were attached at the hip and honestly I barely saw them. I love cousin love.
Aug was more my buddy. He played basketball and had to go see the cows 200 times which was fine by me.
*Note how filthy her shirt is. Proof of a good farm day*
After supper we had a visitor all the way from Hawaii....Courtney is home!! It was great to catch up with her and I am very happy that she is sticking around for a little bit. Court must have sensed Em's love for all things Moana because she surprised her with an authentic Hawaiian lei. Beautiful!
Today was Miss Emery Kayt's last day of 3 year old pre-school. 
Em has LOVED pre-school. She can write her name and every other letter, coloring and cutting are her favorite past times and she has learned so many Bible stories and knows just how much Jesus loves her. We have learned that she is a major rule follower and that she notices everything about everyone. She is on the shy side but wants to be "everybodies best friend."
She can't wait to be in the 4 year old class and after that wants to go to high school. 
I am so thankful for her teachers that have already instilled a love for learning in her!
Look at my little baby way back in September. I love watching her grow but I also want her to stay exactly the same. The Mom-Struggle is real!

We are looking forward to the rest of the week and a fun Mother's Day weekend is already planned.
Have a good one!


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