Is It Summer Yet?

Is it summer yet? Miss Emery Kayt has asked me this every morning and every night for the past week. And the answer....almost sweet girl! This weekend sure felt like summer. We had fun with friends and family and stayed outside as long as we possible could. It was hard to hear that alarm clock this morning.
We kicked off the weekend with an impromptu cookout and fire with friends on Friday. Weather was perfect, food was yummy and according to Em, s'mores were even yummier. Auggie wanted one so bad. He took one big sticky bite then took it apart, handed me the graham cracker and marshmallow and went on just to eat the chocolate. He is my chocolate lover! I hope we can do this a million times this summer.
Saturday it RAINED but that didn't stop us from keeping busy. First up was a much needed haircut for Auggie Boy. He wears a hat every day so I don't think I realized just how shaggy he was.
But how stinking cute is he now??
It dawned on me last night that Aug is almost two and I don't want to talk about it.
Sunday we celebrated cousin graduations. I had two nieces and two nephews graduate this year and as I wrote in their cards I found myself thanking each one for being such a good role model for my babies. I hope they know how much I appreciate that and how much Em and Aug love them!
Auggie snored all the way home and after a nap we decided to head back outside. Nana bought us a quick supper so it was a picnic in the park kind of night!
We loved the picnic in the park so much Sunday that we did it again Monday night. This time we went to Ballard. I don't which place my kids like more. Both the park and Ballard will be seeing a lot of us this summer. 
Friday equals summer for us and I can't wait to keep making little memories with these two!
Have a great week!


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