Mother's Day 2017

Mother's Day 2017 started out in the most perfect way (if you take away the fact that is was at 6:00 am).....
I got a kiss from my sweet baby boy. Now that I think about it....why wasn't Douglas up so I could sleep in!?! Really I didn't mind. It was kind of nice to be up with just him, thinking about our fun day ahead and all of the women I would have liked to tell Happy Mother's Day to in person. 
For my Mother's Day gift I got a picture of all of us smiling! This rarely happens so it made my day. For my real gift, Em and Aug picked me out ice cream....a pregnant mother's dream!!
My kiddos kept talking about going fishing with Uncle Avery (even though they had no idea what fishing was) so I decided that was how I wanted to spend the day. Fishing with the family!
I imagined chasing Auggie all over and him eventually falling into the pond but the boy surprised me. He was Doug's buddy and loved reeling the bobber in. I wonder how many times he said the word bobber.... 
How sweet are my boys?
Emery Kayt was the one that was pumped about fishing. She kept saying she wanted put a worm on Avery's head. She learned that that would entail actually touching a worm and that was a no go.
We only caught three fish but boy did we celebrate those little three. I was shocked that Em touched them as much as she did. Auggie tried to kiss them....
My brother Avery has always loved fishing. Always. I hope he knows he can take my kiddos anytime he wants. And that he looks pretty cool with a pink princess pole! Nana packed us a yummy picnic and after fishing Alayna and Emery ran around with Aug close behind. I think I speak for everyone when I say that I look forward to our next family fishing trip. Maybe we will catch four next time!
After fishing we wanted to tell Grandma Susie "Happy Mother's Day"--being the wonderful mother and grandmother she is, she invited us to stay for supper. And you don't say no to a Susie supper. Em and Aug love Grandma Susie (well Aug really really loves Grandpa but Grandma ranks right up there too.) Sue always has an open house and open arms for her children and grandchildren (and now great grandchild!) She loves each one so much. She is a little lady with a big heart and we love her!
Emery really wanted to see Grandma Angie too. Luckily she was home. If ever there was a mother who deserved to be wished Happy Mother's Day, she would be it! Auggie loves  snooping around her house and Em seems to always get a treat or snack out of the deal. I love (and I know Douglas does too) seeing Grandma Angie love on our babies. She is so special.
On Saturday Emery and Auggie got to see their other Great-Grandma. My Grandma. Growing up if you would have asked me who my favorite person was my answer would have been G'ma. I have always wanted to be as kind and generous as she is. She and my G'pa love my brothers and I so much and I love seeing how much they love Em and Aug. I  know they love seeing them run around the pond, swinging on the same swing I did as a child. My middle name is after G'ma and now Emery's middle name is too. G'pa even calls Emery "Ashley" on accident and swears I should still be that little. My littles got pretty lucky in the Great-Grandma department.
My Mom has become such a special person in my life. As Emery would say "she is not my grandma...she is my NANA!" And what a Nana she is. I don't know what we would do without her and that says it all. I'm so glad we got to celebrate her yesterday. Love ya!
I can't think about Mother's Day without thinking about the sweet girl that made me a Momma. My Mom says that personality wise she is a carbon copy of me but those big blue eyes are definitely her Daddy's. I will never forget the day she was born--I think it took me a couple of days to even realize the amount of love I had for her. She is growing up too fast but I am loving this age. I think 4 is going to be awesome. She is kind and helpful, smart and silly. She notices every little detail and doesn't forget a thing. I keep falling more and more in love with Emery Kayt and feel so blessed to be her Mommy.
Over the weekend we got to meet our Great-Nephew. Yep, I am a Great-Aunt! I was so anxious to see how Emery and Auggie reacted to him. Emery was so sweet with him. She knew the perfect "shhhh" sound to make and just wanted to hold him. She normally is not too cuddly with me but she has a new obsession with my growing belly and is constantly touching it. She tells me how much she loves the baby in my belly which just melts my heart. She is going to be the best big sis to #3.
August Samuel on the other hand...... 
This wild, marker-eating maniac might have to go live with someone else when #3 gets here. Really it was so cute (for a second). Aug just smiled this goofy smile and wanted to be as close to him as possible. He also thought he needed to be as loud as possible. At one time I swore he was going to lick him and he attempted to walk out the door with the new Elmo we had just gifted Kayson. My hands are going to be so full.....but so will my heart. I love this boy madly. I could kiss him all day everyday and besides the need to be outside playing, I think he would be okay with that. He has challenged every Mom rule I have made up so far and I have a feeling will continue to do so. But I wouldn't have it any other way.
We had a wonderful Mother's day celebrating these women and in my heart I was celebrating so many more. My Aunt, my cousin, my sisters-in-law, our babysitter, my three best girls, my mom-tribe. So many women who have changed my life and who love my babies. 
I appreciate you and love you!

Happy Mother's Day 2017


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