Officially Summertime!

As of last Thursday afternoon, it is officially summertime over here!
We haven't stopped going and having fun and I don't see an end to that in sight. Especially if Emery Kayt has anything to say about it. I hear, "What are we going to do tomorrow, Mommy?" every single night ha! The girl is like her Mommy and likes to go-go-go. Auggie Boy would rather be home and outside so we are trying for a good mix of both.
Me and my babies after work on Thursday. I am so looking forward to them this summer.
When we are outside you can find Emery in the swing. The big girl finally got the hang of pumping and now would swing for hours. I love this picture of her. Lisa Frank shorts, markers on her elbows and a swing in her hands--she is definitely my girl and these were definitely a few of my favorite things growing up. The good stuff never changes!
When we are inside (which is rarely) Aug can be found right here. As close to me as possible. He is my little lover and he is so fun right now. Honestly these two are pretty darn easy right now...and then I think about the fact that by this time next year I have will have a six month old too....
God is so good....and I sure am going to need him!
We had an awesome Memorial Day Weekend this year. Saturday we dominated! We wanted to open the pool and clean out the garage and we got both accomplished by Saturday afternoon. And because of that we thought we deserved some Homewood Grill. I think it is going to be the summer of ice cream!
We orginally had no other plans for the long weekend and then my friend Kendra texted me with an offer we couldn't pass up...a quick overnight getaway to her in-laws!
I have been trying to decide who enjoyed this little trip the most and I think I have finally decided on Emery. She got to have a pool party. (I just love this sassy picture of her.)
And she got to ride a little four-wheeler all by herself. She is usually pretty cautious but when Doug asked if she wanted to go faster she got this dare-devil twinkle in her eye. She thought she was big stuff!
Of course little brother had to ride too. He has to do everything she does.
Auggie loved every part of the trip too....mostly because we were outside the whole time.
And because he got to play with his look-alike buddy. These two are going to be trouble......
Douglas had a great time catching up with Travis and even got talked into flying what ever the heck you call this thing....
I can't believe he did it either. Auggie really really wanted to go up too. Gonna have to get a little bit bigger Buddy!
I just enjoyed seeing my babies happy and catching up with Kendra. I also loved the food and the atmosphere. It really was like a mini-vacation and we are so thankful that they invited us. Such a perfect way to kick off summer.
Kids napped the entire way home which was good...because we had another party to attend. I told you we don't stop! Dee Dee invited us over for a pizza party and Em would have never forgiven me if I let an opportunity to play with Alayna slip by. These girls love playing with each other. 
Auggie chased the girls and ate lots of cookies. I had to add this picture. August Samuel is my hat wearing boy. Every morning he picks one out (usually his camo cardinals hat) and I have to beg him to take if off at night. Who does this sound like?? Uncle Austin. So of course Uncle Austin had to adjust Aug's hat and bend his bill to perfection.

Kids went right to bed when we got home but not before Em could ask me the question of the season.... "What are we going to do tomorrow, Mommy?"
So today we made an early morning Wal-Mart trip (for lemonade and some comfy shorts for me--pregnancy must haves), went to the library for story time with our friend Lincoln (where the theme was donuts. Em proudly displaying her craft and Auggie eating his), ate lunch at Nana's McDonalds and made it to Aldi all before nap time. Which is NOW!

Going to take it easy for a little bit and will have to start think about what we are going to do tomorrow...because you know Em is going to ask!


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