Theodore Douglas || Five Months Old

 Five months old, Theo. Thats what you are! 

This month brought us more Theo giggles and squeals, the easiest smiles, chubbier cheeks, blown bubbles and more laundry. You are the easiest long as you are getting attention. In your perfect world someone would be holding you or talking to you at every second of the day. When this happens you are so smiley. You can't even contain your excitement. Left alone for more than five minutes....a whole other story. You have been spoiled rotten since birth and it looks like this will continue. Good thing there are plenty other people in the house to love on you.

After three nights in a row of you magically escaping your swaddle, we retired it. It took you about a week to really sleep soundly without it, but now you are sleeping the best you have ever slept. Yay sleep! This month also brought you your first taste of food. Momma made sweet potatoes. The very first time feeding you it was like you were born with a spoon in your mouth; you knew exactly what to do. Now I need to be making something new for you to try. You still love a bottle and drink 6oz at a time. Sometimes you go forever between bottles and sometimes only a few hours. Depend on how busy you are.

You want to put everything in your mouth and honestly get quite frustrated when whatever it is doesn't fit. Paci's are still your fav though.  You are wearing 6 month clothes and continue to grow like a weed it seems. You don't seem to be too interested in rolling over...probably because you don't want to be left on the floor long enough to roll over. It doesn't help that we all come running the minute you make a sound. We all want to see every smile and hear every sweet sound.

(This is how I feel about you growing too fast.)

Theodore you are a little gift. 

Love ya baby boy.


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