August Samuel || Nine Years Old

9 on the 9th. 
The Golden Birthday. 
An extra special, special day just for you August Samuel.
But before a birthday recap, lets talk about you Birthday Boy!

This past weekend I scrolled back through newborn pictures (my goodness you were cute) and stayed up too late reading words written about younger you. I have done this now for 9 years. What surprised me, but shouldn't have, is that I found myself smiling over and over at all of the ways you have not changed. And it is in that not changing that you have become more and more you. In that not changing, you have challenged us to be better, you have proven yourself, you have grown in so many ways. 
And in that not changing we have fallen in love with you more and more. 
You are still (and I think forever will be) all about the tall socks, your hat collection continues to grow (but you have gotten into your hairstyle this year), baked potatoes and pulled pork would be your preferred meal, you know every lyric to every country song, you are still the best joke teller I know, and "Auggie Facts", completely made up or based on a sliver of truth, are still proof that you think you know everything. 
You are still particular. Which just shows us that you know what you like and are not afraid to stand for it. I don't know if it is you maturing or me (or most likely both) but in a way your particularity takes out the guess work on how to parent or love you. So thank you for being you.
You can still be emotional and anxious. But because you always have been (and again most likely always will be), you have learned ways to overcome and grow while simultaneously teaching us patience and understanding. So again, thank you for being you. 
In your 9 years of unchanging you have changed us. You have filled our lives with laughter, funny dance moves and love. We are very proud of you Auggie Boy and hope you have felt so loved on this gold occasion!

Aug's birthday fell on the Sunday of an away ball tournament meaning many mini-birthday celebrations. First up was getting to walk the warning track with his team at Busch Stadium before a Cardinal win! It was a fun night spent with his brothers and friends. Doug and I also gifted him a new Cardinal's hat (add it to the collection).
After ballgames on Saturday I asked him if he wanted to have a dessert with his teammates back at the hotel. ICE CREAM was his answer. So after a sweet rendition of "Happy Birthday" sung by a whole bunch of 3rd grade boys, they demolished three tubs of ice cream quite quickly. It was a fun night.
When I asked Auggie what he really wanted to do for his birthday his answer was simple (and slightly a tradition). Go to Pinky's with grandparents and swim with a few friends. Oh and fish. The boy has become quite the fisherman. This sounded like a Lake Day to me! Lunch at Pinky’s worked perfectly, Nana and I took the kids plus two best buds to the lake to swim (Theo + Goggles=hilarity) and fish, and we ended the night with a boat ride, more fishing and a late night fire at Chucks. I am going to let Auggie plan more birthdays...he knows how to do it up right! 
It has been a sweet few days for our sometimes sour, sometimes sweet Auggie Boy. This morning I asked him what his favorite part of his birthday was. He thought for a few minutes, smiled his wonky-toothed smile and simply said all of it. Me too kid. 



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