Feels Like a Blessing

July 1st is the saddest day of the year. 
(Thinks dramatic Ashley every summer.) 

I think it is the saddest day of the year because summer is such a blessing to us and in one more flip of the calendar, summer is over. While June feels like a sweet beginning, July can feel like a sad end if I let it. The firsts of summer all turn into the lasts, and all of a sudden the time to complete the summer bucket list seems impossibly short. Time just flys so darn fast when you are having fun. (And we know how to have fun.)

We know how to celebrate the 4th. Lake days with our best friends, sparklers for candles, matching outfits, and traditions that fill up our hearts and our bellies make the 4th one of our favorite holidays. I could say more, but just saying we love this holiday sums it up pretty well.
We know how to celebrate each other. Em's 11th birthday and our 13th anniversary being on the same day always creates the busiest, most fun week of the summer. This was the second year in a row that we celebrated our doubly blessed day with a Train concert (Train with REO Speedwagon....can't forget REO).  Little fun fact: Train sings Doug and I's first dance song "Marry Me". Not many people can say that they have slow danced on their anniversary to their song being sung by the actual artist. Little happy/thankful/can't believe this is my life tears might have snuck out of my eyes. 

Miss Em has been blessed with the best of friends and wanted nothing more than to spend time with them for her birthday. She got just that...plus tickets to the Muny to see The Little Mermaid. We had the best girls' day out. Her busy schedule didn't allow for a real birthday party this year, but no complaints from her. She was busy doing what she loves-theater camp-and was loved on plenty by her large fan section. Doug and I are so blessed by our daughter; we are pretty sure she is the coolest, kindest, smartest and prettiest 11 year old there is. 
We know how to do lots of summery things (and do them well). We know how to sleep in (Em's favorite), and we know how to stay up late (everyone's). We know how to relax by the pool (a favorite of mine), and we know how to swim without floaties (Theo's new favorite pastime). We know how to cuddle and follow me everywhere (Theo's other favorite pastime), and we know how to fish (all Aug and B would have done this summer if I let them). I joke that I could have bought some really cute new outfits for the amount of money I spent on fishing worms this summer, but secretly I loved watching their camaraderie and excitement grow over the tiniest of fish. 
The kids and I fell into the very best groove this summer and as of July 1st, I was already thinking about how much I was going to miss it. With fun, ease and happiness all around me, I still felt this slight sense of melancholy all month, leading up to the inevitable last days.

And then something magical happened. 

Our excitement shifted. Overnight it seems like we went from looking forward to summer freedom to looking forward to fall friendships. A little bit more structure actually feels good. The blessing of a slow morning is trumped by the blessing of our new teachers' smiles. Time together feels more precious and even though the calendar flips, the fun doesn't stop. And then I realize and remember and relearn (every single year) that with every ending comes a new beginning...and new beginnings are so so good
Year 14, 6th grade, 4th grade, 1st grade, new babysitter and pre-school; that is the new beginning line up for our house. We are three school days in and there has already been math homework, a visit from the tooth fairy, a friend sleepover, and a slow Sunday with extra cuddles for me and my baby. It feels familiar yet new. Old yet unknown. This new season, our new school year...also feels like such a blessing to us. 
Remind me next July 1st not to be so dramatic.
Here we go Jansens--To new beginnings!



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