Baby Story Part Two: Hardest Secret to Keep

A couple of months leading up to the beautiful two-lined test, I freaked myself out and was certain I was pregnant when I sadly was not. I told myself I had every symptom in the book, but it was all made up in this blonde brain of mine. Honestly I blame Google---Thats right, Google. Any question I could think of, Google would have an answer and I should not have listened to half of them.  So I layed off the Google for a while and tried to just chill a bit out.

Well the time came again and NO symptoms. Felt completely normal and still do. I told myself I was going to wait to take a pregnancy test until my body gave me a reason to test but there was one lonely test in the cabinet mocking me. One Friday morning at 4 a.m. I for some reason could not help it. I am weak what can I say.

The test was positive. WHAT!?!?! Lets just say I did not fall back asleep that morning.

Most women probably would have ran into the bedroom, scaring their poor sleeping husbands to death, and shared the news. But not this girl. I am a planner and had been planning a way to tell Doug for a while. So I slowly got back into bed and visions of two pink lines danced in my head:)

Lets get to the good part. I actually got out of school that day at 1p.m. but the hubby would not be home until after 5. That is a long time to keep that size of a secret! The weekend of the big test was also the weekend of our seven year anniversary so I "lied" and told him I had bought him something for that occasion but not to get too excited (hehe.) His response, "Was I suppose to get you something?" Such a romantic right!

When he got home he found a wrapped gift sitting beside me. When he opened it, the book was all he saw. He laughed and said "Aww! Cool. Thank you!"

That is when the real present fell out of it! I wish I would have taken a picture of his face. (And of mine too!)

I had tears of joy and he had a silly I-can't-stop-smiling look. One of our best days.

He better start reading.....


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