First Time Shopping Success

About halfway through all of my holiday celebrations, I had a realization: My pants do NOT fit! Food baby + Real baby does not equal me rocking my skinny jeans. I am not really a shopper like many ladies out there and I also refuse to buy anything over $20--I was ready for this shopping trip to be a disaster....

And then the teeny-tiny maternity section at Old Navy saved the day! Their jeans were 50% off!! I grabbed what I thought would be my size and headed to the fitting room.

I swear I heard angels singing when I finally got the first pair on.... I was sold! I decided to buy two--one skinny and one regular-- and headed to the check out with a smile on my face. I had to tell someone my exciting news and quickly texted the Hubby.......


I don't know if he really understood how pumped I was. And I was not lying.....I am never going back to regular jeans.

I also found this cute little number for $10 at Charming Charlies. Do I need it? No. Did I imagine myself looking super cute and super pregnant this summer? Yes. Sold!


  1. Lovethe jeans and dress!! Can't wait until you
    mail arrives :) I hope I have figured out the comments!!!

  2. I am really enjoying this blog. I'm happy you're writing it! Yes, aren't those jeans amazing! I started wearing EARLY in the pregnancy and far too long after Alice was born! :) Cute dress too! I've already promised someone else my maternity clothes, but i'll still have them for a few more weeks if there is anything specific you're looking for, I'd be happy to dig it out for you.

    We bought a house yesterday, so please come visit us in it soon!

    Since you are adorable always, I'm guessing you are going to be one of the cutest pregnany women ever.

    Doug and this little one are very lucky!

    And I can't wait to see what you decide to do with the baby room, I'm certain it will be fantastic.

    And so I can craft you something in my new crafting room (yes, since the house is 4 bed I get my own sewing/crafting/card making room until we have kids to fill all the rooms), will you find out boy or girl?

    This is probably obnoxiously long... but I can't wait to see you two soon!

    JULIA :o)

  3. last comment today, promise. i reread and realized that it appears that i'm asking if you'll find out boy or girl for my sake. i really meant that if you are going to find out, i'll hold off on the unisex craftings.


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