
Thought  I would do a little weekend recap. Nothing to exciting, but a good weekend nonetheless.
It all started with what I call a baking disaster. (It really wasn't a disaster....just not up to my usual baking standards:))

The plan Saturday was to eat at our friends, Luke and Julia's. I decided I would bring a dessert...which led me to scouring pinterest for something that caught my eye (and my pregnancy cravings.) I decided I HAD to make this homemade salted caramel icing with a homemade layered cake. I don't even like cake and caramel is maybe number three on my list of toppings at best. But I HAD to make this cake. It started out with a mess but I thought things were going well...

Until I got to the icing making. I had to make actual caramel first......ummmmmm.....okay. Easier said then done. First of all I had a real blonde moment reading the directions for making the icing.....I kept wondering when I was suppose to add the caramel and what kind. I eventually figured out that I was actually making the caramel.....(they should have just come out and said that!)

Doug helped me and I thought things were going great. WRONG. The icing turned into a hard ball but was also soaking with melted butter. Weirdest. Consistency. Ever. I found it impossible to ice a cake with a dripping hot ball of caramel, so after putting a layer of this stuff between the cakes and some on top I quit for the night.

This is what my cake was suppose to look like. It really does look so so good.

This is mine. I scratched the whole "homemade" icing and went Betty Crocker style. I decided that as long as the cake looked cute, it didn't matter what it tasted like. I also decided that I did not even want this cake anymore, so I bought ice cream to eat instead. Stupid cake.
It was actually okay...not the best. Ice cream was better!!

My night did get better because I went "shopping" in our friend Julia's closet. Julia is already a wonderful mommy and she let me go through her maternity clothes! I took a lot--winter, summer, dress clothes, casual clothes.

 I am excited to go really go through all of it soon. I feel blessed to have friends that are willing to share!

Sunday has been a productive day. Church then school, school, school. I thought that there was no way I was going to get everything accomplished--- but I did!

While I graded papers (in the garage), Doug got back to his building. Last week there were just pieces of wood filling the garage and now.......

It is looking like an actual work bench! I should never had doubted him ha! Almost there....
I am waiting for him to finish up for the night as I type so that I can give him a hair cut (and then maybe eat some ice cream:))
Oh! And I got a hair cut too! It sure has been growing....I will thank Baby J for that one!


  1. Thought I would try out doing the comment "thing". Looks like it is going to work great thanks to you! Enjoyed your recap. I never heard of making your own carmel, you were brave to even try it, I'm sure the ice cream was just fine. Looks like Doug done a good job on his work bench, proud of him.

  2. Whew!!! Sounds like a busy weekend... all I did was work :(
    Can't wait until Tuesday for Week 15 update!!! Enjoying your blog!!


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