28 Weeks---Officially in the Third Trimester!

How far along? 28 Weeks. Officially made it to the third trimester.....where on earth has the time gone?? It seems like just last month we were finally spilling the beans to our families. Now I rounding third base and almost a mommy!
Total weight gain/loss:I honestly do not know. Scale's battery is dead. I know this sounds like a lame excuse but it isn't! I DO want to know how much I am up.... so putting battery on the list right now. Last count was up 20....so we will see.
Maternity clothes? Oh yes:) Mom just bought me the perfect dress to wear to my shower and I cannot wait to show her off!
SleepMuch better this past week. I would prefer it to stay this way.
Best moment this week: Hiccups and heartbeat! Baby girl officially had the hiccups. Kind of an awkward uncomfortable feeling--felt like a huge clock was ticking inside of me for a couple of minutes....weird. But now I want it to happen again and again. So amazing! I also heard her heartbeat yesterday and was told that everything still seems to be perfect. I start going to the doctor every two weeks now, which must mean I am pretty darn pregnant.
Food cravings:Nothing in particular. Just need to continue to eat smaller amounts more often. Lighter foods also seem to be better.
Missing Anything? Nope---I have ZERO reason to ever complain.
Movement? BIG kicks and constant rolls. She is definitely getting bigger because I can see her more.  
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope--so lucky.
Belly Bump/symptoms:Just some growing pains that are still getting me from time to time.
Looking forward to: Baby Shower this weekend!! Excited to see everyone and of course get some cute baby goodies!


  1. Time does fly, but can't be too soon for her to get here. Isn't it amazing how you can love so deeply and how your life has changed so much already and she isn't even born yet. It's a God thing. Looking forward to the weekend.


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