Just So I Remember...

Today marked a first for Doug and I....not sure if I should be proud of this or not but here it goes. Doug altered my maternity capris.....I will explain. 

I bought a pair of super cute white capris at a resale shop. They fit perfectly and I knew I would wear them a lot during the rest of the school year. The perfect fit was over a month ago....the perfect fit is no longer. They fit everywhere but "The Belly." I have underestimated this thing. Clothes that I thought would fit my entire pregnancy are suddenly to small around her (I guess I will call my belly a her ....seeing as how a little girl is in there). Anyway, I wore these capris Saturday night and was uncomfortable the wholeeee time. They big elastic band squeezed my stomach the whole night....I do not even think baby girl liked it all that much. Monday is Hawaiian Day at me school and I had  the perfect outfit picked out. One problem. The white pants were included.

Fast forward to this evening. I am one of those"lay-out-your-clothes-the-night-before" kind of girl and decided to try on the white capris again. Still too tight ( ya like I was going to lose weight over night...). I walked right to the kitchen, picked up the scissors, and walked straight to my husband. "Cut me." After a weird look and a quick explanation, he started cutting. A big V out of the front and back and I now have plenty of room! Yes it might look a little ghetto, but good thing maternity tops are long! Now I can wear these pants forever!! Doug just laughed and said that this was definitely a first. Love him and his help!

Now I am going to go eat some ice cream and watch a movie with him. This week is the BIG 3-0 so tune in Tuesday!


  1. I don't know if you know it or not Ashley .. but maternity clothes .. pants and skirts .. used to be made with a large scoop / hole in the front for the belly!! Some had a flap you could pull up over the belly and tie at the sides but most of the ones I had just had that big empty spot .. very comfortable!!! I am amazed today that pregnant young women no longer try to hide the protruding belly with long tops like we did back in my day .. today's young women are quite proud of being pregnant and not embarassed to let that belly and baby show!!! I think that's a good thing!!

    I think your blog is a terrific idea .. what a wonderful way for your mother and the grandmothers to keep up with what's happening .. I'm just going to be a great great aunt I THINK that's right) to this wonderful new creation and I enjoy it!!!


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