The BIG 3-0.

How far along? 30 Weeks. I love little milestones and this is definitely one of them. I cannot believe I am already at 30 more 20s and all of a sudden I feel like she is going to be here any day. I just need to breath, chill, and enjoy these last 10ish weeks.
Total weight gain/loss:I go to the doctor this week so we will see....It has been so long since I saw those scary numbers ha ha. I am a bit curious though.
Maternity clothes? Oh yes. Even some modified capris thanks to the hubby!
Sleep: Still struggling but it has been better thanks to more pillows.
Best moment this week: Lots of fun little things. Bought the CUTEST dress online. I have been obsessed with it since I found out she is a she.  We are thinking it will be her coming home outfit (I even already have little socks that match. Ridiculous). It isn't here yet, but just knowing that it is on its way makes me smile. But probably my favorite moment happen the other night when Doug and I were going to sleep. My big ol' belly was up against Doug's back and she started doing little kicks and flips. I didn't really think anything of it until Doug whispered "Is she moving?". He had been feeling her every move with me! It was just such a sweet little moment and in the morning he told me how awesome it was....he was so happy to have experienced that.  Tearing up right now thinking about what a great daddy he is going to be! 
Food cravings:Its Jimmy Johns today. I want it bad. I am going to try to not give in, but I do drive past one twice a day. Will power has gone out the window.
Missing Anything? I miss being able to keep up with the hustle and bustle of life. Within the past week or so, the worn-out feeling from the first trimester is back. By the end of the school day, I just want to put on comfy clothes and hit the couch! That is exactly what I am doing right now when I should be out enjoying this beautiful day.
Movement? YEP!! I can tell she is getting big because I can see her moving all across my belly. I am thinking it is a tight squeeze!
Belly Bump/symptoms: Heartburn. Ugh.
Looking forward to: Doctors appointment this week, the weekend, Mom's visit.  I hope to get a lot done. Oh---and she still has NO name. Poor girl.


  1. 30 weeks is a BIG milLestone!!! So excited that everything has gone so well. Looking forward to the weekend and next week to finish up things for her!!! Told you that you needed MORE PILLOWS!! Baby Girl NEEDS a name and I need to know it :) See you soon!!

  2. Wow 30 weeks! Time is marching on. So glad Doug got to experience the movement with you. He truly will be a great Dad. And you will be a great Mom. Glad you are getting more rest now with the extra pillows. God is good!


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