Four Months

Emery Kayt--You are four months old today!! This might sound weird, but to me she just seems so old and big now. The other night I was telling Doug that I could not believe she is already four months---I whined that that meant she is now closer to six months, which is closer to a year old, which is closer to..... Douglas (being the oh-so-funny husband that he is) finished my statement by adding that she is also closer to kindergarten, and college, and marriage. Ugh......although he was making fun of my exaggerations, what he said is true! Time just needs to slow its roll.

Sidenote: This might be my new favorite picture. So stinkin sweet.

Emery is still wearing three month clothes but her closet is definitely ready for her to grow because last year we stocked up on some super cute Christmas outfits:) We are also in size two diapers. Recently 4oz bottles have just not been cutting it so we have been going with 5oz ones and some cereal in the evening. We are still champion of the spoon! Can't wait to try my hand at making some of her first baby food later this month!
Mom's not so proudest moment: We had our first "tragic" event at home this week. I was cutting her little fingernails...and you know what comes next. I was crying before she was...but her little sad lip and tears just broke my heart. Hubby gave her a bottle and put on a band-aid (do they even make baby size band aids???) and she was good as new. I apologized to her about a zillion times and I am pretty sure she has forgiven me.
Mom's favorite moment: Picking her up from daycare on a Friday afternoon and knowing I get the whole weekend to be with my girl. When she hears my voice she immediately smiles and melts my heart. I cannot get home quick enough on those days.

Dad's not so proudest moment: This week, while he was returning the huge box of diapers that he bought Em in the wrong size, Doug texted me this: "At Wal-mart. Forgot a bib...and a burp cloth...really just the whole diaper bag. Oh. And I almost forgot to strap her in her carseat."
Note to self: Do not leave Doug alone with Emery again....ha!
Dad's favorite moment: Doug couldn't decide between two. He is the one that puts her to bed every night. Jammies, cereal, swaddle, bottle, bed. He is so good at it and loves feeling her finally relax at the end of the day. This is tied with waking her up every morning. She is ALL smiles in the morning and just seems so excited to see him. I think Em may be a daddy's girl already:)

Happy four months Em!! We are so thankful for ya!


  1. Computer was not working when this was posted so decided to go back and comment now that it is working. Happy 4 month belated birthday Emmy. GiGi and GGpa love you more and more with each passing day. Love to get the pictures of your sweet smile and see what a happy little girl you are . You are such a blessing.


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