Emery Kayt is Six Months!

That's right....our baby girl is six months old! And I feel like six months old is a whole new ballgame...she sits on her own, holds her own bottle, wiggles and giggles,  and I am sure crawling and teeth are right around the corner. She is becoming more independent everyday, which makes me so proud and so sad at the same time. The past six months have been the fastest months of my life, and I know time is only going to go by faster!

Emery's doctor appointment is on Monday so we will get all of her stats then but she is still in size two diapers and has definitely moved on to six month size clothes. (Mostly because three month clothes do not fit over her big head haha!)

Emery, you are such a good happy baby--always smiling--and not just any smile, they are always huge light-up-your-whole-face smiles. Just last night you sat through a two and a half hour meeting with me and you were a complete angel. No one could believe how good you were being--but I just told them that you are always this good--because you are. I try to tell you all time how proud I am of you--I figure you probably have no idea what I am telling you, but someday soon it will start kicking in.

You LOVE to eat. You are now the one in control of bottles. (I am pretty sure you could make it yourself as much as you study me when I am getting it ready for you!) You have been eating two fruits and a vegetable everyday too. When Daddy and I eat, you reach for our food and watch every bite--the baby sitter has even caught you trying to steal cookies from the other kids! You are going to love snacks soon:)

You are and always have been a great sleeper at night. We say "swaddle-bottle-bed" and that is exactly what you do. (I even have to wake you up in the morning---other mothers are probably gasping at this hehe!) Naps on the other hand are not so easy. I, or I guess I should say we  (Daddy and Nana have definitely helped),  have spoiled you. We rock you to sleep and hold you. If we hold you, your naps will last three hours. If we lay you down....sadly, maybe 30 minutes. So as of today, the babysitter is going to attempt to lay you down for naps. We will see how that goes!!

You are enjoying your new Christmas toys. You are getting the hang of jumping in your jumper and your new found favorite is a soft blanky that has ribbons around it. You of course just try to eat all of them. You are also veryyyy chatty. You "da-da-da" nonstop these days.....Dad still thinks it is because you like him more.....

It blows our mind how much you have changed in six months. I want you to stop growing and stay this age forever---but I also said this when you were one month and three months and last week---It just keeps getting better. Everyday I enjoy being your Mommy more and more.

So I guess keep growing, learning, and exploring little girl. We love you!


  1. Thank you so much for the post. How adorable she is. So loved. Indeed she is growing so fast. Praise God that she is so happy, content and healthy. These pictures are all so
    good. Really love the outfit. Happy happy 6 month birthday Em!


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