Shots and Slick Roads

It is only Tuesday and Em and I already need a break! Monday morning started of just fine but has been going down (a very slick) hill ever sense....
Emery had her six month appointment Monday morning. She woke up all smiles.... little did she know that four yucky shots were in her future. Miss E weighed in at 15lbs 10oz and is 25 1/2 inches long. Average for her weight and in the 33rd percentile for her height. And yes, her beautiful big head is still in the 98th percentile:) 

She smiled and played with the doctor until the nurse came back in. On top of already needing a nap, poor girl had to get four shots. There were big tears, but a few cuddles later and she was asleep in her car seat. I just hate to know that she is ever in any pain or scared....and I know that feeling is never going to go away.
I have learned in these short six months that you do NOT wake a sleeping baby. So we let baby girl sleep and cuddled her the rest of the day. She was pretty clingy and wanted held all evening--which made a part of me sad knowing she didn't feel good and the (evil) part of me happy that she wanted me and I had an excuse to hold her tight and rock.  

After an awesome nights sleep she was good to go this morning!

Too bad slick roads and snow tried to ruin our day... 

Even though I was driving roughly 10 mph in four-wheeled drive, I still managed to cross three lanes on the interstate, spin around backwards, and hit the guard rail twice. It was a complete GOD moment--it was the only time all morning that no cars were around me and I only hit on my side of the car....not the sleeping baby's in the back seat. After the awful sound of metal hitting metal came the much worse sound of Emery crying. I managed to get pulled over and jumped in the back seat. Her face was priceless---Huge smile with tears in her eyes and a look like "Oh hey Mom! What are you doing back here with me??" 

After calling the hubby and trying to blubber through my story, a nice policeman pulled up to check on us and my jeep. I really do not have much damage and he sent me on my way to school. I have a headache and am a little sore and I am guess Emery doesn't even remember what happened. Like I said before....complete GOD moment. I might have asked God, after thanking him, to never let that happen again:) 
Doug knew it had been a long day, so he had this treat waiting on me.... I will take ice cream and wine (together or separate) over flowers any day!

This week can only get better right??  Em and I might just hibernate.....see you in the spring!


  1. What a day !!! I am so thankful that you and Emery are just fine. Positive that God was watching over you two and will continue to do so. Doug's phone call ( after I realized who Doug was, since he calls me so often!) gave me a few more gray hairs to cover up!! The next call from him, I hope will be good news :) Enjoy your evening and hug that little one tight. Nana loves!

  2. So good to talk to you this evening and to know that you and Emery are doing fine. I can't stop praising God for His protection over you. Glad you have an insurance man you can lean on too! Hope you are not too sore tomorrow. Love you all.

  3. Yes I have no doubt the good Lord was there with you keeping you and your precious baby girl safe .. Thank You Lord!! And I had to chuckle at the carton of Ice Cream which you prefer over flowers .. that would be my way of thinking too .. LOL!!! God Bless!!!


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