Winter Break--Officially Over

Yes, I know, Christmas was last month and Doug and I have been back to work for a week now. But it has still felt like vacation this past week because my Mom (aka Nana) has been visiting. That means meals have been cooked, dishes have been done, and a certain baby girl has been spoiled rotten! Going back to school was a shock to my system--no Em snuggles or giggles--oh and I now have to shower and look presentable. Boo. Due to weather, I also got to stay home a couple of days this week with the girls but I know they enjoy their one-on-one time.

While putting away Christmas decorations on one of our snow days, I ran across a tiny little hair bow that I had worn as a baby. We always rock a big bow on a head band, but how stinking cute is this little pony tail we decided to try??

We kept looking in the mirror with her and she would just giggle....I swear she thought she looked cute too. I can't wait to really get to do her hair someday just like my Mom did mine.
We also kept bust making baby food this week. It is kind of my new obsession.....what else can I puree and freeze!?! Our freezer is stocked with green beans, sweet potatoes, carrots, squash, pumpkin, peaches, apples, blueberries, pears, and bananas. I don't know if Emery has a favorite yet....she pretty much gobbles all of it up!

One evening we had a whiny, restless girl on our hands due to a bad cold. Baby Einstein youtube videos to the rescue! She had never seen anything like it...and by the look in the picture, was mesmerized haha. I just love watching her explore new things.

This nice guy planned a date night for us while Mom was here to babysit. It had definitely been awhile since we had done something just the two of us. Who am I has been awhile since I had even sat in the front seat of the car next to him haha! We had dinner and a movie. Of course we talked a lot about Emery, memories, and our future-- we were home by 9 for bed time. Things have definitely changed over our "dating" years, but I have to say, I enjoy his company even more eight years later. 

Today was a rough day for Nana because she had to head home. She is going to go through some major Emery withdrawals--I know this because I did going back to school and I still see her everyday. She treated us to lunch--where this big girl sat in her first restaurant high chair.  Where did my baby go?? She was so good and thought she was pretty big stuff.
Big enough to even handle her own bottle. She used to scream when it was empty and we took it away, so we decided to try something different. We let her keep it and realize for herself that it is all gone. And amazingly enough--she does right away. She chews around on it and eventually just gives it back to us. "All gone!"

Mom called a couple of hours ago to tell us she had made it home--and that means "break" is officially over. Back to our schedule, back to the babysitter, back to normalcy I guess. 
I have practice, a ball game, a meeting and Emery turns SIX MONTHS this week. I have a feeling that these next couple of months are going to fly by. I just hope I can slow down and enjoy every minute of it:)


  1. I enjoyed my week so much :) and will miss her sooo much. Emery is so much fun and her smile just melts my heart. Also enjoyed being snowed in with you for a couple of days!!! I am sure you two are happy to get back to your normal routine but Nana misses her Girl!!! Love Ya Emery Kayt <3

  2. So enjoyed the pictures and update. Where is the time going, she is getting to be such a big girl. Love her smiles, she is such a happy baby. Don't believe I have ever heard her really, really cry. Always has a big smile. She knows how much she is loved !


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