Emery Kayt is Seven Months!

I do not even know where to start this month. Emery is changing Every. Single. Day. It is so much fun to watch her explore and learn. I have a feeling this month is going to be a big one--teeth, crawling, talking, standing! Bring it on!

(She was kind of serious for pictures today....and obsessed with sticking out her tongue and eating her hand)
We did the whole Doug-step-on-the-scale-with-and-without-Em and we think she is around 17 lbs now. Not too chubby.....just perfect:) She gets a second round of shots tomorrow so we will probably know the official weight then. Six month clothes are still fitting perfect (after I stretch out the neck to fit her head in) but I think we will be fast approaching nine month clothes soon. I am just ready for spring and some new bright colors!
She still loves her bottle but has moved on to water in her sippy cup, lots of veggies and fruits, and for a little treat....puffs! She can pick them up after lots of hard work but can't quite figure out how to get them into her mouth yet. Don't worry---we will practice.
Emery is VERY mobile which is new for us. I used to be able to lay her down to play, walk away for a little bit, and she would be right where I left her. HA--boy is that over. Besides rolling everywhere, she has started to get up on her knees and rocking back and forth. I so want her to crawl....yet I know that will change everything. It is just a matter of time!

Emery is now a drooling machine with two large bumps in her gums. You know what that means....TEETH. I love her gummy grin but I know I will think teeth are the cutest too. I just hope they aren't too painful.
Probably the biggest change from six months is Em's sleeping habits. She has pretty much ALWAYS slept through the night due to being swaddled. I love our swaddle blankets--swaddle her up and she goes right to sleep. A couple of weeks ago that all changed. Every time I went in to check on her she was flipped over on her stomach with her head in the most awkward position. I would flip her over and she would roll right back. Because she was swaddled there was no way she could have rolled back over....ummmm.....no more swaddle.
 We were prepared to stay up all night with her because in my mind babies cannot sleep without a swaddle. What does Emery do? Rolls over onto her belly and sleeps the night away. It have been two weeks of this now and still a sound (belly) sleeper. We were so proud of her (and relieved haha!)
Best baby ever?? I think so!
All this talk about being big and we tipped over!
Emery Kayt you are our everything and we fall more in love everyday. You are getting so big and so fun. Happy Seven Month baby girl!


  1. Seven months already! She is growing so fast. Learning so many new things, something new every day I'm sure. So enjoy the pictures that enable us to keep up with her. She is a real delight and am so glad that she is such a happy baby. God is good!


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