Emery Kayt is Eight Months Old!

Emery Kayt you are EIGHT months old today!! You change and learn something new everyday so we are super excited to see what this next month has in store. What have you been up to Miss E??
The winner of the biggest change from seven months to eight months has to go to crawling. You are non-stop now. I think you feel more independent and determined--you decide where you want to go and even which toy you want to play with (although baby doll still usually wins OR something that you are not suppose to have). You have started to follow our voices and crawl to come find us which I love. Nothing beats outstretched baby's arms--you know exactly who you want to cuddle with and when!
Still no teeth and you are still in love with 6oz bottles and your homemade baby food. Mommy and Daddy have discovered that Puffs and homemade yogurt drops are great distractions and you are getting so good at picking them up and eating them on your own (although there might have been a few Puffs stuck to your forehead this morning....) I can see you trying even more food in this next month-Yum!
We had to lower your crib recently because not only have you discovered crawling, but you have gotten braver and braver with pulling up. Nothing is off limits now!
You talk talk talk and have started to mimic sounds that we say. (STILL no Momma sounds though...) Baby doll is still number one in your heart but your play table might be making its way onto the favorites list. You love reading the Peek-a-boo book (or it might be my ridiculous voice when I read it that you like) and your attachment to pacifiers seems to be getting stronger. I swear you hoard them because half the time we cannot find one but you will just pull one out of thin air....where are you hiding them??
Emery Kayt we are loving all of these new firsts--you make us laugh constantly and fall more in love everyday. Keep moving and shaking sweet girl! Love ya
I had to add this picture too. Emery was clueless about her shamrock headband and proceeded to wear it half the day. She would look at us so seriously and I am sure was wondering why we couldn't keep a straight face. Too cute:)


  1. Maybe she likes her shamrock headband because her Daddy is a St. Patrick baby. These pictures are adorable. Indeed she is growing and changing everyday. So exciting to see the videos of these changes but how much more exciting when you get moved down here and we can actually see the changes in person. She is a true treasure. Keep up the good work Emmy ! Love you all.

  2. Love the 8 month St. Patrick's Day pictures. You are changing every day. Nana can't wait to see what all new things you have learned. Time is flying by. Each day is a new Adventure!! Love Ya <3


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