Easter 2014

There is nothing more uplifting and rejuvenating then a warm Easter weekend with loved ones. Doug and I felt very blessed--not only were we able to celebrate the rising of our Savior, we were surrounded by love and sunshine!
Emery woke up with a cold on Thursday but was a champ through the weekend. Everyday completely wore her out, but I know she had a blast (and was definitely spoiled:)
We finally broke out the new wagon and as you can see from the huge smile, it was a hit! I foresee many miles being ridden in this wagon .
Miss E played in the grass for the first time. Really not a big fan....
I figured she would try to eat it, but she would have preferred not to touch it at all ha!
Emery got her first "Jansen Grandkid" picture taken. She is one of 23 (and one more on the way) so it looks like a few were missing. I am so proud of how well she does with all of her family--on both sides. I knew my family was full of baby hogs but the Jansens do their fair share of hogging too! The poor girl gets passed around and just goes with the flow!
This sweet sleeping picture sums up what Emery has been doing since Easter. The girl needs her beauty (growing) sleep! I thought I would add that she is 28in long and weighs 17lbs 3oz now--Just perfect I think:)


  1. Was so glad to spend time with you this wonderful Easter season. Thank God for Resurrection day. Loved Miss Em's rabbit ears and to see her ride in her new wagon and swing in her new swing. She is such a delight. God is good.


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