Emery Kayt is Nine Months Old!

Oh my, Emery Kayt....you are nine months old! You are getting way too big way too fast. Your Daddy and I both agree that this might be our favorite stage yet. Your personality gets bigger by the day and there is no holding you back now!
You crawl, you stand, you roll over--you decide what you want to do and just go for it. We could sit and watch you for hours Em. We are amazed by how your little brain works. What are you thinking about when you are playing in your crib and giggling to yourself? What are you saying when you and baby doll carry on a one sided (loud) conversation? You seem to just love life and we hope you keep this spunky side forever.
Emery you used to stay so still and taking these monthly pictures was a breeze. Not so much anymore. You just go-go-go. With your tongue out too:)
Still no teeth but that isn't stopping you from thinking that you should be eating what everyone else has. Miss Liz at the babysitters has to now sneak the bigger kids their food because you either yell at them or steal whatever they have. You just think you need everything:) You have had some belly issues and your appetite has not been as strong lately though. Your nine month appointment is tomorrow and I can't wait to see how much you have grown and to maybe figure out how to make you feel better. I also think it is time to introduce more types of food so we will have lots of questions to ask the doctor!
New talents include clapping and playing the "how big is Emery game." We are also working on waving and blowing kisses. You love to share (maybe I should cross my fingers that you will love to do this forever....) You share toys and even share your paci with baby doll. When it is time for bed your new game is to give me your paci and steal it back. We just go back and forth with little giggles until you get sleepy.
Since it is just me and you during the week, I almost feel like you are tired of me by the weekend haha. I mainly think this because the minute we get to the babysitters you reach for Miss Liz and forget about poor old mom. You LOVE the big kids at daycare and busy yourself all day by watching their every move and doing what they do. I love that you have so much fun everyday and get along so well there. We just want you to be safe and happy.
At the rate you have been going, who know what this next month has in store. We love you baby girl!
(This is the face I seem to be getting more often. Oh how we love you spunky girl) 


  1. GGpa and I have looked at your nine month pictures I don't know how many times this evening. Just can't get enough. You are getting sweeter and growing so much every day. What a joy to watch you through the magic of blogging on facebook. Thank you mommy for all the wonderful pictures and updates!


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