Emery Kayt is 11 Months Old!

11 months old. Our baby girl is 11 months old. This past month has been a big one for Em--She moved to her new home, went swimming for the first time, got a big girl hair cut, went to Holiday World, celebrated her first Father's Day with tons of family-- all while learning cute new tricks and getting faster and wigglier and gigglier. We love this 11 month old stage (although we have said that each stage Em has been in has been our favorite) but she really is so fun right now. We could watch her every move all day--it is amazing to see her learn and explore (and scrunch up that little nose of hers!). She is getting so independent and we are quickly (and sadly) realizing that she is not a little baby anymore.
The best part of having an 11 month old has to be the mimicking that takes place.We make a sound or a face and sure enough Emery Kayt....you do it right back. You will wiggle your tongue if we do--you will open your mouth so wide if we do-- you do a silly low pitched laugh like Daddy and a high squealing laugh like Mommy. Our new trick that needs a little more work is knowing what a cow says. It sounds more like boooo instead of moooo and it takes a little coaching from us, but eventually you can look at your Farm book and mooo at the cow pages--Grandpa Sammy must be so proud haha! You tell us when you are "all done" eating and have also caught on to what shaking your head "no" means.....(even though we try to explain things to you and not just say "no" all of the time we must shake our heads at you because now you do it too ha!) You have mastered the art of waving and give kisses pretty much on demand now. I think the sweetest thing happens when you see Mommy and Daddy kiss..... you think you need kisses too! We hope you know how much you are loved sweet girl!
You are getting braver and braver when it comes to standing and "walking". You will stand on your own for a little bit--until you realize that you are in fact not holding on to anything, panic, and sit down quickly.  You walk behind your push toy and will take steps if we are there to help----will you walk sometime this next month!?!
You are eating all table food now (even though we still have NO teeth) and only drink two or three bottles a day. Mom Confession: I have kind of created a turkey and cheese and muffin and toast eating monster. If it were up to you that is all you would eat at every meal (mostly because those are my favorites and so handy to have ready all of the time.) We recently tried Nana's spaghetti and that was a big fail. You turn your nose up to any veggie except sweet potatoes. You pick around your morning banana to find the toast and would honestly take a blueberry muffin over anything. We did find a winner in watermelon (and ice cream... but we do not have to count that) recently so maybe not a complete mom failure when it comes to feeding you:)

 Bunny Paci is still (and probably always will be) your favorite thing. You also love looking at ALL of your books every morning and following Mommy where ever she goes. I think you are getting used to seeing all of your family because you warm up to them so much more quickly then you did before--not that you were ever really shy. You have the sweetest personality too--you even hug and pat us to show that you love us. Writing this blog post is actually kind of hard this month because there is so much I could say--you have just grown up all of a sudden and with that comes so many firsts and fun experiences.
You are 11 months old baby girl--one month away from the BIG birthday. Time is flying but we are having a ball. Happy 11 months Emery Kayt.....We love you. We love you. We love you!


  1. Happy 11 months Em. Just think next month ONE YEAR OLD! Indeed you are changing so much it seems every day. Don't see how you can get any sweeter but you do every day. GiGi and Pa Pa love you so very much. Thanks mommy for all the blogs and pictures. What a treasure they will be for Em as she grows up.


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