Weekend Wrap Up

We live for the weekends here at the Jansen House and this past one would classify as a regular ol' good summer weekend. You know...the one with friends, family, swimming, food, CAKE, and a little shopping. I know that I am on summer-break and technically could be living it up like it is the weekend everyday, but there is something about the word Friday and having the husband walk in the door a little early that just makes for a better day and mood!

Friday evening we headed into town to the "Taste of Freedom" (hence the baby in red, white and blue....its almost July right??) We walked around uptown and shared a pulled pork sandwich and nachos. Emery had had a rough (aka NO nap) day so she was super excited about all of this---just look at that face in the picture haha!
With the mention of ice cream, the girl perked right up and we even made it through a Wal-Mart trip with a happy baby. Winning!
 It is Friday nights like these (an oddly enjoyable Wal-Mart trip with the fam and in bed my 10:30) that makes me realize how much has changed for us in the last year.....and how much I absolutely would not change any of it:)
(Sidenote: We totally looked like the 4th of July walking around on Friday. Em rocked her red-white-and-blue bow, Doug wore his Cardinals shirt, and I too rocked America's colors. Unplanned patriotism at its best!!)
Saturday morning we woke up early and met Kendra to take outside birthday pictures (POST TO COME FILLED WITH THE MOST CUTEST EVER.) The afternoon was perfect for a swim so we met Nana and Hannah at the Newton pool and swam the afternoon away. Em had a planned (first) sleep over with Nana and Hannah so we said our goodbyes and Doug and I headed home Emeryless. Weird.

The backseat looked so empty with her car seat gone and I felt like a piece of me was missing since the Vera diaper bag was not hanging on my shoulder. Doug kept tip-toeing around the house thinking he had to be quiet because she was sleeping...... I think we missed her just a bit. (Okay so maybe so so much...)

But we had a fun night with friends to look forward to. I started my "beautification" process and Douglas napped....typical!
I got to hang out with this lady and would definetly call the night a success--this is where the good friends and good food came in!

Sunday we got the girl back (thank goodness!) and headed North to have Emery's second half of birthday pictures taken. We went to the same woman who did her newborn pictures and I CANNOT wait to see them. Emery cooperated better than I ever thought she would (which just means she simply left her bow on) and did not disappoint when she dug right in and double-fisted handfuls of birthday cake into her mouth. These pics will be priceless:)

Being up North, we took it as an oppurtuniy to shop and eat way too much--great end to a great weekend. We have a pretty good week ahead of us so posts are sure to come. Be on the look out for lots of birthday posts in the next month.....it is almost JULY PEOPLE!!


  1. Sounds like a really fun Friday and Saturday. Can't wait to see the second half of the birthday pictures. So glad she left her bow on. Sounds like I had better get another photo album. Will have to have one of each half.


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