A Jansen Day Update: Picture Style
It has been about...ohhh....forever since I have blogged. (Okay so actually about two weeks.) My only excuse is that life happens and sometimes when I get home from school I really just want to share a snack with my one year old, watch some HG T.V. and work on my geometry homework. I say geometry "homework" because that is what it is. I am a tride-and-true English teacher who is now teaching geometry, history, Info Processing and three English classes. I know for some teachers, that line up is nothing. Easy-peasy. But this teaching experience is new for me and definitely a learning process. My mind cannot shut down--I go to sleep thinking about the thirteen original colonies and wake up thinking about acute and obtuse angles. There has been no room for a cute blog post in this head of mind. (Which you think would be easy to come up with Emery Kayt growing and changing everyday.) But with only one full week with students under my belt I feel slightly refreshed this weekend and ready to head back tomorrow. (I even packed my lunch and ironed my clothes already.....Bring it on Monday!)
With that being said, I thought I could at least update the blog with a picture lineup that captures our last two weeks. I do NOT want to forget this Em stage. Every day it becomes more clear that she is no longer our baby but our girl. Our oh-so-sweet yet oh-so-spunky girl.
Wanna see some pictures?
We have a new adorable niece-Hannah Sue. Em is officially not the youngest Jansen grandchild. We were interested to see what Emery would think of Miss Hannah. At first she thought she was a baby doll, then she liked her a lot and then she just wanted her bottle and paci ha! It is so crazy to think that just a year ago my little was that little. I cannot wait to see these two girls grow up together.
This picture cracks me up and completely explains Emery Kayt's new attitude. I think she got used to having Mommy around this summer because at home she is pretty darn clingy. (Which I usually do not mind of course!) But sometimes a Mom has to wash a dish or heaven forbid take a shower and I can't hold her. She had a MELTDOWN the other day because I would not carry her out of her room. She is pretty mobile these days but NO, I needed to carry her out of her room. Well, Doug rescued her and she wanted nothing to do with me after that. Like "I am going to hit and push you Mommy"....Yes, I am the mean one, I admit it, but I was not backing down. My question is: how does a sweet, innocent little girl who has never ever seen anyone hit or fight know that that is what some people do when they are angry?? And how do you teach them that that is not okay at such a young age?? Let the Mom Questions begin!
Such a goof. I love her more than words can say.
Daddy was in Texas all of last week, so not only was it my first week back at teaching but we were also on our own. Girls Week! This was my cheery baby bright and early Monday morning....looking a little Justin Bieberish when it comes to the hair ha!
Emery and I quickly fell into a good routine. Come home, have a snack, cuddle, try to do homework while Em rips up my papers, realize that working isn't quite working out, play, bottle, bed, back to homework for Mommy. She was a good girl and I enjoyed getting all of the cuddles. (But I was also very ready for Doug to get home.)
Doug was home Friday night and we were all in bed asleep by 9:15. He was tired from traveling, I was tired from Emery and work, Emery was tired from Mommy and play. Friday nights sure have changed for us;)
This weekend was a catch up on school work, swim to beat the heat, and eat yummy food kind of weekend. We also mowed and did yard work....confirming that I am not meant to work outside in the heat because I get very sweaty and very whiney. Doug owes me.
We have a new adorable niece-Hannah Sue. Em is officially not the youngest Jansen grandchild. We were interested to see what Emery would think of Miss Hannah. At first she thought she was a baby doll, then she liked her a lot and then she just wanted her bottle and paci ha! It is so crazy to think that just a year ago my little was that little. I cannot wait to see these two girls grow up together.
This picture cracks me up and completely explains Emery Kayt's new attitude. I think she got used to having Mommy around this summer because at home she is pretty darn clingy. (Which I usually do not mind of course!) But sometimes a Mom has to wash a dish or heaven forbid take a shower and I can't hold her. She had a MELTDOWN the other day because I would not carry her out of her room. She is pretty mobile these days but NO, I needed to carry her out of her room. Well, Doug rescued her and she wanted nothing to do with me after that. Like "I am going to hit and push you Mommy"....Yes, I am the mean one, I admit it, but I was not backing down. My question is: how does a sweet, innocent little girl who has never ever seen anyone hit or fight know that that is what some people do when they are angry?? And how do you teach them that that is not okay at such a young age?? Let the Mom Questions begin!
Such a goof. I love her more than words can say.
Daddy was in Texas all of last week, so not only was it my first week back at teaching but we were also on our own. Girls Week! This was my cheery baby bright and early Monday morning....looking a little Justin Bieberish when it comes to the hair ha!
Emery and I quickly fell into a good routine. Come home, have a snack, cuddle, try to do homework while Em rips up my papers, realize that working isn't quite working out, play, bottle, bed, back to homework for Mommy. She was a good girl and I enjoyed getting all of the cuddles. (But I was also very ready for Doug to get home.)
Doug was home Friday night and we were all in bed asleep by 9:15. He was tired from traveling, I was tired from Emery and work, Emery was tired from Mommy and play. Friday nights sure have changed for us;)
This weekend was a catch up on school work, swim to beat the heat, and eat yummy food kind of weekend. We also mowed and did yard work....confirming that I am not meant to work outside in the heat because I get very sweaty and very whiney. Doug owes me.
Love, love the picture blog! Thank you for taking the time from your busy schedule to keep us updated on the goings on at the Jansen house and the life of precious Em. We love to see you hear about your day too. Remember you are our favorite Grand-daughter.