Emery Kayt is 15 Months!

Emery Kayt you are 15 months old! No longer just a little one year old, you are a fast mover, talker and thinker. I know we have said this before, but your Daddy and I agree that this is the best age yet! So what have you been up to these last three months??
 Your appearance has changed so much in the last three months. You are getting to be such a big girl! Your hair is back to blonde and seems to grow more every day. Mommy loves to fix your hair. (She probably needs to give Daddy a few lessons!) You have five teeth—all are still growing and we think your looks will change so much when they are finally here. You are in between 12 and 18 month clothes. 18 month pants and sleeves are way too long but 12 month clothes are too tight for that belly of yours! 
 Speaking of big belly, your new favorite thing has to be snacks! You created your own sign language for snacks and ask for them constantly. You enjoy food so so much. There are always lots of “yummmms” being said when you eat and taking your plate away too early will result in a meltdown ha! Your number one toy is STILL Bunny Paci (and I know it always will be) and you love your new little puppy, Elmo and your baby doll. Pretty much if you can swaddle it, rock it and feed it, you LOVE it. That just shows you have such a sweet and caring personality. 
 You have started to play pretend (which just blows our minds). You pretend to cook with us and you pretend to eat (your favorite thing) and feed all of your toys and us. You also pretend that you are a kitty or puppy and crawl around panting or saying “Owwwww” which is your version of meow. You kiss EVERYTHING--Mommy, Daddy, Elmo, your books, other kids at the babysitters (although you get in trouble for those kisses ha!). You know that those kisses are sought after so now you will kiss one of us and when the other asks for their kiss, you pucker up and then run away! The “running” and giggles are so funny. You wave your arms around in the air and move those little legs as fast as they will go…..and usually the chase ends up with you running after us! Most of our evenings are spent kissing and chasing:)
We have said this for a long time, but you really do learn something new every day. You watch and mimic everything you see—including my soon to be favorite action—picking up toys! You love your routine and I love that you can tell us what you need or want. Other parents that are reading might kill me for typing this, but….you even tell us when you are ready for bed. And then you sleep the entire night without a peep. (HOW ARE WE SO LUCKY????)

We fall more in love with you each day and we cannot wait to see how you grow and change in these next three months. We are so proud of the little girl you are becoming.
Love ya Emery Kayt. So so much.


  1. Wow 15 months already. Indeed you change so much from one month to the other, and you have learned so many new things every time we see you, even if it is just a few days! We love your kisses so much. You can now say PaPa and I swear you said GiGi to our delight. You grow sweeter and we love you more every day..


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