Every Busy Weekend Should Have a Monday Off

Sorry for the long title, but I am convinced now that every jam-packed weekend deserves a Monday off. This weekend was chalked full of Jansen Family time which is oh-so fun but can also be oh-so tiring. Being able to procrastinate the whole weekend on housework and homework allowed us to concentrate on the fun and not worry about the never ending to-do list. (And to be honest, the to-do list didn't really get hit today either....there were naps to be taken and frozen yogurt to be eaten!)
On Saturday Emery got dressed up in her finest cutest outfit and rocked some major pig-tails-- all for a very special occasion--her grandparents 50th Anniversary.
Emery loves her Grandpa and Grandma Jansen and is so lucky to have such caring grandparents. Doug and I are lucky to have such great role models when it comes to raising a loving family.
And speaking of loving family, all three of us are lucky to be apart this big bunch!
Cousins! Only three are missing in this picture. Emery Kayt is spoiled rotten by the older kids and will be lifelong friends with the younger ones. I am told she is all "Jansen" and I definitely do not mind that.....they are good looking bunch of kiddos!
 Sue's wedding dress was on display and if it looked half as good 50 years ago (which I know it did) Sue must have been stunning. What a special picture-maybe Em can try it on someday.
And if playing with cousins and eating cake and ice cream wasn't treat enough, Emery's true highlight of the day was probably getting theses beauties--bright red Elmo slippers:)  Aunt Vicki (who now can claim that she is the favorite) won over Emery's heart. Now that we are home with the slippers, Emery either wants her Elmo to wear the Elmo slippers (which is pretty funny to see) or she wants me to wear them (even funnier.)
(Is it just me or does Miss E look evil in this picture? All I can see are those fangs...poor girl.)

Sunday we headed to church for Hannah Sue's baptism and you guessed it....more Jansen time!
Emery was such a good girl in church but needed a nap badlyyyyyyyy.
But no rest for the weary--we were headed to lunch right after church!
Em snuck in about a twenty minute nap and was somehow ready to rock and roll after that! She played and played and played.... I bet those little legs of hers ran miles. There is nothing that makes me happier than seeing her run and giggle and love every part of her day. I just want her to love life.

So that was our Saturday and Sunday. And on this Monday, our day off, we have napped, played, shopped and ate. All of our favorite things to do together.
Emery Kayt and I see eye-to-eye about one major thing in our lives---and that is treats.
Finish homework-get a treat. Take a good nap-get a treat. Be a good girl at Wal-mart and wave at every person we see-get a treat.
Today's treat was frozen yogurt. I guess I should have gotten my own because once I shared the spoon....my chances at bites were gone.

Hope you had a great weekend and maybe treated yourself to some treats too! Have a great week!



  1. What a busy, special weekend. It is wonderful for Em to have so many cousins to grow up with that love her so much. She is truly blessed. Won't be long until she will be feeding herself with a spoon it looks like. It is amazing to see how she changes from one blog to another. Almost 15 months old! GiGi and PaPa love her so much.


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