Thought on Our Baby Boy
Emery was surprised as we were.....
Baby J #2 is a BOY!!!!!
I say surprised because we really really were. Yes, we have thought all along that it was a boy, but we was wrong last time and just this morning Doug and I both changed our minds. We were having a girl. Wrong again. We are just so excited to be adding a little blue to our lives.
The first thing Doug said to me when we were alone was "I don't know how to be a "boy" Dad." Which is funny because most men would probably say that about being a "girl" Dad--But not Doug. He embraced the pink right from the start and is the best Daddy a little girl could ask for. And without a doubt I know he will be the best Daddy a little boy could ask for too. I am so excited to see that father-son bond. My only hope is that my son grows up to be just like his Daddy--He is a pretty special guy;)
Doug's comment got me I know how to be a "boy" Mom?? You all know how much I love a big bow and all things girly. But all my life I have wanted a blue-eyed ornery little boy. I have always pictured a mix of my brothers--Austin was a wild man and Avery was a sweet heart--perfect combo to be a Momma's boy--which is just what I want. I feel incredibly blessed to have a girl and a boy. So I think I can get on the blue train--I need a little bit more mud and all things ball in my life!
After I realized how excited I was to be having a boy I started thinking about Emery. For 20 weeks now I have debated on whether I wanted Em to have a sister or a brother. It is hard for me to imagine what having a sister is like. I see the bond that my best friend has with her sister and I know how close my Mom is with Aunt Linda and I do want that for my daughter. (And who knows, someday she may have a little sister). But then I think about my best friends--how much I think of them as sisters. They will always be there for me and I will always be there for them and that to me is a sister. So for now I hope that Emery is blessed with a friends like I have.
I do not know what it is like to have a sister because I have two brothers. I grew up the oldest, just as Emery will, and I have always loved having my two younger brothers. Yes-they have drive me crazy. Yes-I am the boss. Yes-They secretly listen to me and would do anything for me. Yes- I love them and am so proud of the men they are becoming. That is exactly how I picture Emery. Yes-this new little brother is going to drive her crazy. Yes-She will be the boss hehe. Yes-baby boy will be Em's protector for life. And yes--she is going to love him so so much. So I think it is a perfect fit. Emery Kayt is getting a brother (and for now she is just loving the blue balloons I bought for her ha!).
So bring on the name search, the first blue outfit and the nursery planning. And bring on the next 20 weeks. Baby Boy you are already so loved!
So exciting to think boy and girl! Blue is one of my favorite colors. Yes indeed we are all truly blessed! I'm sure you will be busy choosing a name and planning on getting your house ready. Lot to thing about. Doug has nothing to worry about If he just follows how he handles Em he will be a wonderful Daddy. And You will be a wonderful Mommy just like you are with Em.. All about love.