Emery Kayt is 18 Months!
18 months---that’s right folks, we have a year and a half year old! Emery Kayt, you have been learning and changing daily. You amaze Mommy and Daddy with your words, sense of humor and little independent attitude. What have you been up to lately big girl??
**Just so you know--taking picture of an 18 month old is impossible....**
**Just so you know--taking picture of an 18 month old is impossible....**
You weigh about 23 lbs and you are still rocking a big ol’ belly and tiny little legs and bottom-just the perfect size! Your hair is growing and growing--still straight, but it does a little flip at the ends the way your Mommy’s hair was when she was little. I swear you do not feel complete without a bow in your hair. You attempt to put your hair behind your ear and will come running to me yelling “boooooowww”--Makes this bow loving mommy proud haha. You finally have teeth ev-ery-where, poor girl. Eight are pretty much in all the way and many more are on their way. You like to brush them with Mommy and Daddy….but then usually just want to keep the tooth brush! You are wearing 18 month clothes and have moved on to size 4 shoes. Speaking of shoes, I think you are going to be expensive someday because you love your shoes--we just bought a new pair and you paraded around showing them off at the store and then wanted to carry the box…..I think we have a shopper:) You love “pretty” things--shoes, dresses, bows--and every morning you beem when your Daddy tells you how pretty you are. Don’t worry little girl--he will always think you are the prettiest girl in the world.
**This face....she is going to kill me someday hehe**
**This face....she is going to kill me someday hehe**
Besides changing every day, you are also busy learning so much every day. We have a talker! Animal names and sounds are your specialty and you will mimic anything you hear. It is officially that time to watch what we say and spell out whatever we do not want you to hear haha. I love hearing your soft-spoken little voice say “ya-ya Momma” (love ya Momma) and having you sing along with me in the morning when we are getting ready. Being a copy-cat is what you are best at right now but you are slowly starting to talk on your own--like yelling bow when it falls out, counting when you slide and saying Momma when you want a snack and I am not moving fast enough ha! You also have a new found independence. YOU want to do everything be yourself. Feed yourself, put your clothes and shoes away, pick up your room….You smile so big after you accomplish something….you know you are becoming a big girl. I tell you all the time how much of a big help you will be when baby #2 comes!
You are still the greatest sleeper there ever was. In bed by 8:30 and up around 7--my little alarm clock. (I hope you can teach your little brother or sister to do the same!). You help us get your milk and walk hand-in-hand to the recliner to get rocked. Then you kiss us both good night and go to bed. I could hold your little hand and walk with you forever. In the mornings you look forward to putting your coat on and going to Miss Nancy’s and you know when you get home we take Lola outside and get a snack. Speaking of snack….that is your favorite thing right now and I hate to say it but this Mommy has created a monster.
The old routine was you got a little bowl of gold fish or cereal and a sippy of water when we got home--you would follow me around eating and it gave me a little bit of time to put things away and get started on supper. That was until I introduced crackers. Going along with your new found independence, you love anything that you can hold and take bites out of. Thinking I was being a good mommy, I bought you some yummy crackers to try and things were great…..at first. Then you realized that the kitchen equaled the home of the crackers and we could not step into it without getting a cracker. Makes for a rough night of doing dishes and making supper. So for a couple of nights I was a bad mommy….I gave in. The snack monster had been created and supper would never be eaten again! So now we are working on having a snack but knowing that when it is all gone, it is all gone. Let me know if anyone has any advice on this--the girl is NOT happy about it--but I cannot blame her….she gets her love of snacks from her Mommy!!
You give the best hugs and kisses and your Daddy and I have to drive you crazy because we ask for them all day. Sometimes you are ornery and will only kiss one of us ha! You still live your bunny paci-I think it has been mentioned on every monthly update you have! New favorites are your slide, kitchen set with food and your books. The slide is a permanent fixture in our living room and you are constantly sliding-and counting- you can't slide down unless you count to three and say go! Pretend stirring and eating is also a favorite past time. Mommy’s favorite thing that you do is read your books--you are always bringing us books you picked out. I hope you always love reading.
**Where did my baby girl go!?!**
You are our big girl Emery-which makes us sad yet so so proud of you. We know you are only going to continue to change and learn and we are so excited for what these next months have in store for you. Love ya Emery Kayt!
So wonderful to be able to look at these blogs through the years and see Emery Kayt grow up, even though we have the memories in our hearts, we can see it in living color! She truly is changing and growing so fast. Something new everday. She is amazing . GiGi and PaPa love you so much.