Just Remembering Some Em Moments

After Emery turned one back in July, time feels like it has been set on super-speed-fast-forward. In a blink of an eye, Emery Kayt is no longer our little baby-but little girl-who gets smarter, sassier and just plain ol' cuter everyday. These past couple of days she has seemed even more grown up--She is little Miss Independent-chatter box and I am falling even more in love if that is even possible!
Doug and I have been debating on getting her hair cut again. I used to dream of a girl with long flowing hair that I could play with--but that just doesn't seem very Em like. As much as the girl loves a bow, she has no time for me to sit and play with her hair--there are too many baby dolls to rock and too many Elmo songs to dance to--so we decided the spunky big girl needed a spunky big girl hair-do!
Here is the before--very straight with a little flip.

Even got it blow dryed like a big girl!
And here is the after. Short and spunky just like Emery Kayt! She will not sit still long enough for me to get a picture from the front so this will have to do!

While I am thinking about how my baby is not a baby (tear...) I wanted to add some Emery quotes to the blog. Someday when she asks me about her first words or sentences (and I know she will because I think every kid asks their parents about this) I want to be able to remember. I have been reminded lately to slow down and cherish every little thing I can. And I just want to remember it all.

Em has lots of words--she used to just mimic everything we said--but now she will use her words to actually tell us what she wants. Bow, Lola, Snack, Nana, Melmo (Elmo), Night-Night, Shoes--these are her usual everyday words that we are starting to hear more and more of.

What shocks me is that she has moved on to "sentences"--put in quotes because they are only 2 or 3 words long and only Doug and I can really figure out what she is saying half the time!

Everything starts with "I unt" meaning "I want"--I unt snack, I unt Nana--you get the idea.

You can also bet that if we are at home she is saying "I unt Melmo." The girl is Elmo obsessed-so yes we watch a lot of Sesame Street at our house. The sad thing is she realllllly only wants Elmo and doesn't understand that he is not always on the show--she will get so upset if she doesn't see that little red guy. There are more people on the Street than just Elmo!

Recently Em is a also a tattle-tail and kind of a fibber! She will come running up to us, pointing and saying "Bowwwww....Lola"--which means Lola has stolen her bow. How awful:) She loves to tell on Lola and the other day I caught her lying (secretly cute now....not so much when she is older). She didn't know it, but I watched her take her bow off and leave in on the front room floor. Later on when she came to the kitchen I made a big deal of it and asked her where her bow was. Her immediate response.....to point at her dog and say "Lolaaaa". Lola did not steal your bow little miss... that is a lie!! 

Emery's first official sentence just cracks me up and is sooo her. She is very much a routine follower. If we do something a couple of days in a row, she believes that that is the only way things are done--that is how I created the snack monster and now the Elmo watcher. Everyday we get up-get dressed-put in a bow-and put shoes on. So why would Em think a Saturday would be any different!?!

Last Saturday we were going to eat at Doug's parents. I told Em it was time to get ready to go. We put on clothes-combed hair and put in a bow-but I forgot one important step....her shoes! I sat her back on the floor and told her to go get her coat to go bye-bye and she looked at me with her eyebrows furrowed, stuck her foot out, and plain as day said, "I need shoes on". Ha! Of course you do little girl! You could totally see that she was thinking that I was crazy for not putting her shoes on. How amazing that she knows what she wants and how to tell us!

These are just a few of the little things I want to remember. I want to remember everyday and every little smile and every new word. Because my baby is not a baby anymore and time needs to slow down.


  1. I so love your blogs. Not only does it help you to remember all these precious daily moments but it helps us to know about how she is growing and all the new things she is learning and doing every day. I agree she is growing sooo fast and grows more precious each and every day. Her hair is adorable!


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