A Tale of Two Under Two

Today marked my first day home alone with the two littles. I have been alone with them here and there, but usually a Grandma stops in to help or there are visitors around. I have been looking forward to today--my first test as a Mom of two under two.

I feel bad for Emery--this rain has had us cooped up for days--so I decided that if it was not raining in the morning, we would venture outside for a simple walk. And surprise--No rain! By the time we all got dressed and I fed both kids, it was already starting to get hot but we were still determined to go on a nice walk. I strapped Mr. August to my chest in this sling-back-pack-looking thing, put on Em's shoes and away we went.
All was going well until we encountered the puddles. We were half way through our walk around the big block and Emery Kayt just had to stomp in the puddles. I thought sure, I will be the nice mom and let her play. Knock yourself out kid.
And this smile lasted precisely one minute--one minute was all it took for Emery to realize her shoes were now wet and her legs were now muddy. A hot and sweaty breakdown ensued. 
She sat down in the middle of the road, took her shoes off and bawled. And there was nothing I could do. I tried to talk her into walking home--we will watch your movie, we will have fruit snacks, we will drink juice--none of the usually bribery worked. The only thing that was going to work was me holding her. Did I mention before that August was strapped to my chest? And now he was sweating. Great. For a second I thought, "I am going to have to call Doug and he is going to have to come help me." And I secretly hoped that one of our neighbors would come outside and offer to help the crazy mom with the bawling kid and the sweaty newborn. 

Finally I caved and picked Em up. I am not suppose to. But I had to. She immediately giggled at the fact that I was holding her and Auggie---yeah Em, real funny. We cut through our neighbors' back yards because I figured if they looked outside, they would completely understand. At home we hosed off, shared a big glass of water and ate the promised fruit snacks. Two bags. All was well again.
And as for this one, he slept straight through the sweat and tears. At least one of the two is on my side ha! I have learned my lesson---NO PUDDLES--and probably no walks for a couple of days.....
This Momma is tired!!

Thankfully both are fast asleep right now....and I am right behind them!


  1. Another memory to recall. It will seem funny when they are grown. Lol. Glad August slept through it all. At lease he was not crying. If that was the case there probably would have been three people crying! Thanking God you all got home safely when you did.


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