August Samuel~3 Weeks

You are three weeks old, Buddy! And my what an amazing three weeks they have been. What is new with you Auggie Boy?
As you can kind of see in the picture, you are bigger and brighter eyed this week. And yes, they look just like your Daddy's. Still rocking the blonde curls--I do not think they are going anywhere anytime soon....actually I think your hair has grown. You now have little blonde eyelashes to go along with those pretty blues.
You finally have the cutest little belly button but still a tiny little belly--most of your newborn clothes are still kind of big but we do think you are growing. You are still a rock star eater--you are starving in the mornings, eat about every 3 to 4 hours during the day and are back to starving during the evening.
Maybe soon you will add a few rolls to your little bird legs. 
You stay pretty content throughout the day--if you are not eating then you want to be sleeping.....and guess who has the magic touch....your Mommy. With a sister always on the go, you have already learned to be content in the baby carrier (a second time mom's life saver)--you spend a lot of your day cuddled up to Mommy's chest as we play with Em. It sounds like you are a great sleeper, which is true, until we actually want you to go to bed. You have not figured out what a bed time is....don't worry, Mommy and Daddy are here to help you learn. We have learned that we have to keep you up 2-3 hours before bedtime in order for you to actually fall asleep when the rest of the house hate it. But once we do get you to bed you sleep great and wake up every 4ish hours. Mommy is still pretty happy about this.

You are growing and changing daily and we can't wait to see what this next week has in store for you!
Love ya, Bud!


  1. Love those blue eyes and blonde curls. You are so blessed that Em was such a good sleeper and now so is August. GiGi and PaPa love you little August. Love you too big sister Emery Kayt.


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