Always: A Note to Emery and Auggie....Because There Will Be Days When They Need to Remember

Always. Emery Kayt has always loved you. You have always been her baby brother and you always will be.
Before she knew you (or even what a baby brother was exactly) she talked to you and touched you. You listened and learned her sweet little voice.
On the day you were born she waited up past her bedtime just to see you.
And it was love at first sight.
She was so excited to take you home...
And show you were you belong. With us.
She cannot wait to see you every morning. You brighten up her day and she brightens up yours.
She doesn't leave your side for long. You are her Baby Auggie.
She is sad when you are sad. And when you are happy we get a big "Baby Auggie happy now!"
She wants to hold you (for about three seconds) and kisses you constantly.
She is already your biggest fan. You can see it in her eyes.
She (tries) to always put you first. She knows you need your Mommy and she has learned to share.
These pictures are for you two to remember.....because it won't always be this peaceful and perfect. You two will fight. She will boss you around (I know this because Mommy still bosses her baby brothers). 
She will drive you crazy (and the feeling will be mutual).
But I promise the good times will far outweigh the bad. 
Because she will teach you some little life lessons if you are willing to listen. And you will teach already have.
She will hold your hand when times get tough.
And she will cheer for you every step of the way.
Because even if it doesn't always seem like it.....she really is your biggest fan.
You two have been inseparable for your entire life. You changed her world for the better. Back in November, when we told the world about you, Mommy wrote that the best thing a parent can give a child is a sibling. And now we know that is so so true.

Always, August Samuel. Emery Kayt has always loved you. You have always been her baby brother and you always will be.

***Emery and August's relationship is so special to me. It amazes me that Emery instinctively knew that this little baby we brought home was hers and that she was suppose to love him from the moment she saw him. That is not something you can teach a child. Being a big sister myself, I still boss, worry about, cheer for, lecture, think about my brothers constantly. Everything a sibling should do for the other. And even though we might not talk everyday or even always get along, I know my brothers would drop what they were doing and be by my side if I needed them. Every one of my favorite childhood memories involves my brothers. And at the same time they drove me absolutely crazy. I am sure there were days that I needed to be reminded of my true, original feelings. That I have always loved them and always will. 

I love seeing Em love on her Aug. I cannot wait to see their relationship grow. What will she think when he starts to crawl? What will he think when she tries to paint his toe-nails or dress him up (because you know that is going to happen someday ha!). Being two years apart I think about how school will be for them. Will they have some of the same friends? Hobbies? Dislikes and likes? There are too many "I wonders..." to name. I cannot wait to see how this whole sibling thing plays out for them. My one wish is that they remember. Remember the always. Because that is what a brother and sister should be.***


  1. Beautiful words and so true. I have six sisters and two brothers and love each them dearly. I know that is how it will be for Emery and August. I already see it at this young age. Being the parents you and Doug are will play a very important role also.


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