Em's Adventures: Cardinal's Game!

We finished birthday week off with a hot and sweaty bang--a Cardinal's game! Doug, Emery and I-along with Nana, Dora, Heath and Hannah-headed for St. Louis Sunday morning praying for no rain...and maybe a little breeze....

Our prayers were answered! Yes it was hot and we all needed showers afterwards, but we were very very lucky to have no rain and no beating down sun either.
Who doesn't love little sweaty pigtails in bows??
We had awesome seats-Emery could actually see the field and recognized it was baseball....I wonder who taught her that....
This guy is probably to blame. I just love seeing him with Emery. I sat there beside them and pictured August sitting on Doug's lap watching the Card's play. A boy and his father watching something they both love. Good times are to come:)
If you have been following birthday week, you have probably been wondering were Auggie was. He might have missed out on all the fun, but do not worry....he was spoiled rotten by Grandma Susie! Next year Bud--I promise you can get in on the fun too!
It was Hannah's first Major League game and we were so happy she could come. 
Okay-really Em was the happiest-but we loved having her too.
I am not trying to toot my own two-year olds horn, but Emery was really really good. She might have switched seats approximately 4,824 times, but she was a happy (sweaty) trooper. I am a firm believer in snacks and dancing and cheering (and a Hannah) and we filled her time with those things.
To be honest, the game was rather boring....and long. We left in the 15th inning with it tied 1-1. It went 18 innings and we lost.....I am glad we left when we did!
I was beyond ready to see this little guy. As much as I have loved our busy week, I am ready for some at-home time. A day with no where to go and two babies to cuddle sounds great right about now!

Today was Emery's 2 year doctor's appointment. She weighs about 30lbs and is healthy and happy....and I am so so thankful for that. We also snuck in a quick weight check on August and he is up to 9lbs 4oz--way to go Bud! (I might just add in here that I took them both by myself...and we made it in one piece with no tears. Team Mom: 1 point-Team Littles: 0 points.)

We have a much slower week ahead of us. Hoping it is full of family time and friends....and naps!


  1. I'm worn out just following you all on the blog. So glad for the wonderful week you all had celebrating Em's 2nd birthday. She truly is blessed and a blessing to all of us.I know we watched the Cardinals game too I slept thru some of it though. I told PaPa this evening I can't wait for August to get a little older like Em to see how he is, his personality etc. So many fun, happy times ahead. I'm glad Hanna is getting to enjoy these excursions also and also be a big help to you with Emmy.


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