August Samuel~5 Months Old

Happy 5 months August Samuel! What have you been up to??
Well for starters, you have been very busy growing. 3 month clothes are honestly too small (although I do make you squeeze into them from time to time) and 6 months clothes are perfect. We just bought what will probably be the last box of size two diapers. You no longer really fit in your bathtub either—you kick and kick (and splash and splash). A bath with big sister will be here before we know it!
 Your head is growing too-it was hard to find a warm hat for you this past weekend!
This growth spurt is all thanks to your new found love for veggies and fruits! You have never been one to miss a 6 ounce bottle, but now you eat supper with us too. So far sweet potatoes and apples are in the lead for favorite. But I am guessing you are going to like it all……
You are still a great sleeper—you are a firm believer in an 8 pm bedtime and some nights you do not wake until morning and other nights you get up around 3. Not too shabby.
Your smiles are so contagious and they light up your entire face-chubby cheeks and all. Daddy can always make you laugh and you watch Emery’s every move. Lately when she holds you, you even try to kiss her! You still do not show any interest in rolling over but you would be really really happy if you could sit up on your own. You try so hard but the balance just isn’t there. I am guessing this skill will come in the next month.
You love to have a paci and Nana found you your new favorite toy. Mom’s attention is still your absolute favorite thing—a look or a touch will keep you happy.
You are the sweetest little boy, Auggie. We love you so so much. Happy 5 months!


  1. Hi handsome Auggie. Happy 5 month birthday. You are growing and changing so much Getting sweeter every day. Glad you like your new menu of veggies and fruit. So glad you love Emmy so much. She loves you sooooo much too. Think you two will be BFF.Just the way it should be. PaPa and GiGi love you and Em so much.


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